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Week 1 - Primary schools vegetarian menu

For reasons beyond our control, the menus may change at short notice. Please check for seasonal changes.

Food Allergies and Intolerances: Please speak to our kitchen staff about your child’s requirements.

Month 2024 July September October
Week commencing (Monday) 1 2, 23 14


  • Cheese and tomato pizza
  • Potato smiles or jacket potato
  • Baked beans, coleslaw and mixed salad bowl
  • Homemade mandarin marble sponge with custard


  • Oven baked vegetarian sausage with vegetarian gravy
  • Creamed potatoes or jacket potato
  • Broccoli and carrots
  • Jam split and fruit wedge


  • Homemade vegetarian quorn curry and bread
  • Boiled rice or jacket potato
  • Garden peas and sweetcorn
  • Raspberry ripple ice cream roll


  • Quorn roast Yorkshire pudding with vegetarian gravy
  • Boiled or creamed or jacket potato
  • Broccoli, peas and carrots
  • Chocolate rice krispie cake


  • Fishless fingers
  • Chipped potatoes or jacket potato
  • Baked beans or garden peas and mixed salad bowl
  • Homemade jam and coconut sponge

Available daily

  • Baked beans
  • Cheese and biscuits
  • Dessert of the day
  • Fresh fruit
  • Fruit yogurt
  • Jacket potatoes
  • Milk and water
  • Pasta
  • Seasonal salads
  • Wholemeal bread