Hepgor gwe-lywio
Gyda'n Gilydd ni yw Castell-nedd Port Talbot

Croeso i Dîm CNPT

Ymunwch â ni a chreu gyrfa rydych chi'n ei charu

Yng Nghyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot, rydyn ni’n gofalu am ranbarth mawr, amrywiol a chymhleth o Gymru. Ond mae ein dull o fynd i’r afael ag ateb anghenion ein 140,000 o breswylwyr a thros 3,000 o fusnesau’n hawdd. Rydyn ni’n recriwtio pobl gydweithredol, ddawnus ac yn cynnig cyfleoedd iddyn nhw greu argraff ystyrlon.

Ymunwch â ni a chewch eich cefnogi i ennill sgiliau newydd ac adeiladu gyrfa lwyddiannus mewn gweithle amrywiol a chynhwysol, gan deimlo’n hyderu ein bod ni yno er eich mwyn i gynnig mwy o gyfleoedd, mwy o ddatblygiad a mwy o gefnogaeth.

Waeth beth eich swydd, hoffem i chi ddod a’ch syniadau, eich barn a’ch safbwyntiau unigryw, achos mae’r hyn sy’n eich gwneud chi’n unigryw yn ein gwneud ni’n well.

Drwy gydweithio, gallwn wneud Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn lle gwych i fyw, gweithio ac ymweld.

Y Swydd dan sylw"

Senior Corporate Engagement Officer

Contract Type: Permanent

Hours: Full Time, 37 hours per week

Location of post: Civic Centre, Port Talbot SA13 1PJ / Hybrid

Is this post a secondment? NO

Is this post politically restricted? Yes - Sensitive

Are you interested in what people have to say?

Would you like to help the council build on its culture of partnership with local people and communities, encouraging and supporting them to participate in our decision making, and keeping them informed about how their feedback has influenced decisions?

If so, this job could be for you.

The successful candidate will be responsible for coordinating consultation and engagement activity across the council and between partners, producing and maintaining a detailed programme of activity that makes best use of available resources, manages political sensitivities and reputational and legal risk, and contributes to decisions on council wide policies / projects / programmes.             

The main duties of the post:

  • To lead a small team of corporate engagement and communications officers, directing their day-to day work and ensuring it complies with legal and best practice guidelines around consultation, engagement and internal communications, as well as the objectives and approach set out in the council’s Public Participation Strategy 2023-2027.
  • To design, deliver and manage corporate consultation and engagement activity using a wide range of channels, tools and research methods including surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, workshops, structured interviews and reports.
  • To ensure consultation and engagement activities are targeted appropriately to different audiences
  • To develop high-quality, accessible consultation and engagement materials suitable for a range of different audiences and channels, within brand and best practice consultation and engagement guidelines.

Ideally you will have a relevant professional qualification e.g. MRS Advanced Certificate.

You will have experience in/of:

  • up-to-date data protection compliance in line with GDPR and in relation to engagement, consultation, and communications functions.
  • designing and delivering effective stakeholder engagement and consultation programmes/projects.
  • engaging and consulting with a range of audiences including protected characteristics groups and identifying inclusive strategies to secure engagement with these groups.
  • qualitative and quantitative research and analysis techniques and methodologies that can be used in consultation and engagement.

If you think that you have the necessary experience and qualifications for this role, we would love to hear from you.

For an informal discussion, please contact Anita James on:

Phone: 07805 771506, or

Email: a.james6@npt.gov.uk

DBS requirements:

  • This post is not subject to a DBS check

Neath Port Talbot Council is totally committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.  Our schools/employees are equally committed to ensuring the safety and protection of all children and young people/vulnerable adults and will take action to safeguard their wellbeing.

The recruitment process for this post will be underpinned by rigorous safer recruitment assessment to ensure that children and young people are protected.

Welsh Language Requirements:

Welsh Language skills are desirable.

Additional Information:

Applications may be submitted in Welsh, applications submitted in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than an application submitted in English.

We offer a guaranteed interview scheme for candidates who have a disability and armed forces veterans.

At Team NPT, we all work together to serve the people, communities, and businesses of Neath Port Talbot.

We are committed to providing training opportunities and the professional development of all our employees.

We look forward to welcoming you to Team NPT.

Dewch o hyd i'ch lle yn Nhîm CNPT

Gweld y swyddi gwag presennol yn ôl categori

Swyddogion Gweinyddiaeth a Chymorth i Fusnes, Cynorthwywyr Gweithredol a Swyddogion Hawliau Lles

Cogyddion, Cynorthwywyr Cegin, Cydlynwyr a Glanhawyr

Swyddogion Cyfathrebu a Marchnata, Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus a Swyddogion Cyfryngau Digidol

Trydanwyr, Plymwyr a Seiri, Syrfewyr Prisio, Penseiri, Syrfewyr Maint a Rheolwyr Prosiectau Adeiladu

Personél Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid, Rheolwyr CCTV/Ymateb Brys

Gweithrediadau Digidol; Cynnyrch a Chyflenwi; Strategaeth a Llywodraethu Digidol; a Data

Athrawon, Staff Cefnogi, Gweithwyr Ieuenctid a Chymuned, Cynorthwywyr Llyfrgell, Seicolegwyr Addysg a Gofalwyr

Cyfrifyddion, Swyddogion Cyflogres a Chynorthwywyr Cyllid, Swyddogion Treth Cyngor/Budd-daliadau, Swyddogion Penodedigion/Dirprwyon Llys

Adnoddau Dynol, Personél Iechyd a Diogelwch, Swyddogion Dysgu, Hyfforddiant a Datblygiad, Swyddogion Cynllunio Brys

Cyfarwyddwyr/Prif Swyddogion, Penaethiaid Gwasanaeth a Rheolwyr Atebol

Paragyfreithwyr, Swyddogion Cyfreithiol, Cyfreithwyr a Thwrneiod, Gwasanaethau Etholiadol a Swyddogion Caffael, Cofrestryddion a Chynorthwywyr Amlosgfa

Cynllunwyr, Rheolwyr Datblygu, Swyddogion Gorfodi, Swyddogion Iechyd Amgylcheddol a Safonau Masnach

Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol, Gweithwyr Cymuned a Chymorth, Therapyddion Galwedigaethol, Cydlynwyr Ardal Leol a Chynorthwywyr Taliadau Uniongyrchol

Rôl Asiant Cefnffyrdd De Cymru (SWTRA) yw rheoli, cynnal a gweithredu’r rhwydwaith ffyrdd strategol yn Ne Cymru ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru.

Dod o hyd i swydd

76+ Lleoliadau
1,800+ Cyflogeion
Disability confident employer Time to change - Wales. Let's end mental health discrimination Fairplay employer - Silver Apprenticeships Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development - People Development Partner