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Pre-application enquiries

Our service commitment

We will actively engage with our customers to provide high quality pre-application advice on all development proposals, offering an individual service with the primary aim of ‘Delivering Quality Development Quickly’.

Development management

The Council’s approach to Development Management continues to place significant importance upon the provision of the best possible advice to a potential developer/applicant before a formal planning application is submitted.

With effect from 16th March 2016, the Welsh Government has required all Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) in Wales to provide a Statutory Pre-Application Service. To reflect this new duty, the Council’s ‘Planning Pre-Application Service Protocol’ has been amended to cover the following pre-application services offered by Neath Port Talbot: -

  • The Statutory Pre-Application Service (Section 5)
  • Provision of additional advice following an initial written response received under the statutory service (Section 6.1)
  • Non-Statutory Pre-Application Advice (Section 6.2)
  • Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) (Section 6.3)
Please note that the Charging Schedule below has been updated with effect from 23rd April 2018.

The ‘Planning Pre-Application Service Protocol’ is intended to proactively represent the Councils service statement in respect of all pre-application services offered, chargeable or otherwise, and not only sets out the charging regime, but also details the level of information which should be submitted and the quality of response that is to be expected when engaging with the Council in pre-application discussions.


  • Planning pre-application service protocol (DOCX 79 KB)
  • Pre-application fee charging schedule (DOCX 41 KB)

Fees and charges

Pre-application advice (statutory)

Pay for Planning – Pre-application advice (statutory)

Pre-application advice (non statutory)

Pay for Planning – Pre-application advice (non statutory)

Major developments

Please note: The pre-application protocol does not cover the Information in respect of the formal requirement for developers proposing ‘major development’ or Developments of National Significance (DNS) to undertake pre-application consultation under Section 17 of the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 and Part 1A of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (as amended). Read more about major development advice.