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Housing and homelessness strategy

Local Housing Strategy 2015-20

This strategy sets out our vision for addressing the housing needs of citizens:

"Housing in Neath Port Talbot will be appropriate, affordable, of good quality, in sustainable communities, offering people choice and support if they need it".

The strategy highlights the need for more affordable Housing and seeks to increase supply and accessibility in the right places. The strategy also aims to improve the quality of housing stock (both social and private housing) and ensure that support is available to those who need it.

Homelessness Review 2018

The Council commissioned an independent review of how it responds to people facing homelessness, in order for us to see how we could build on our current practice and develop new ways of working. This review involved extensive engagement with a variety of stakeholders in order to identify opportunities for change. It not only focused on its housing services, but also explored the policy context in which they exist and whether the response to homelessness is complimentary to the wider strategic direction within the area.

Homelessness Strategy 2018-22

This document sets out how we intend to act on the findings of the above review, so that we are best placed to meet the needs of those threatened with or experiencing homelessness, over the next four years and beyond. The overall aim is to implement an approach that will prevent homelessness wherever possible and effectively support the household when it occurs. To this end, we propose to shift the focus from emergency responses and fulfilling our homelessness duties to households in crisis, by exploring:

  • More focussed community based support to prevent homelessness, before it becomes a crisis;
  • evidence based support and accommodation options for people with complex needs, who have experienced repeat episodes of homelessness, and require a range of services; and
  • helping people to secure permanent housing and so reduce demand for temporary accommodation.

Regional Housing Market Assessment 2020

The following Local Authorities and National Park Authorities of Mid and South West Wales, collaborated to update their housing market assessments.  They commissioned Opinion Research Services to produce this document, presenting robustly modelled data and a consistent evidence base on the housing market across the Mid and South West Wales Region. This document, supplemented by appropriate assessments undertaken at the individual authority level, serves as a Local Housing Market Assessment (LHMA):

  • Brecon Beacons National Park Authority;
  • Carmarthenshire County Council ;
  • Ceredigion County Council ;
  • Neath Port Talbot Council ;
  • Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority;
  • Pembrokeshire County Council Powys County Council; and
  • The City and County of Swansea.

Summary of Local Housing Market for Neath Port Talbot 2020

Opinion Research Services were commissioned by the local authorities of Mid & South West Wales to undertake a cross-border assessment of housing needs in accordance with best practice. This document is a sub-area analysis for Neath Port Talbot and should be read in parallel with the accompanying wider regional report.

Social Housing Grant Prospectus 2021

Our Corporate Plan 2019-22 Shaping NPT says we want all people to live in suitable accommodation that meets their needs. Not everyone is in a position to make this happen themselves by buying their own home or renting one from a private landlord. This Prospectus sets out how we intend to use our management of the local Welsh Government Housing Capital Grant Programme to provide as much extra affordable housing as possible for those households.

Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment

The Council received written confirmation on 8th March 2024 from the Welsh Government that the Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) 2022 study had been approved.

This 2022 Study replaces the previous study that was undertaken in 2016.

In accordance with Part 3 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 the Council has to undertake a new Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) to assess the future accommodation needs of the Gypsy and Traveller Community every 5 years. The GTAA 2022 identifies the requirement for additional site provision within Neath Port Talbot for permanent residential pitches and / or transit pitches in the short term and up to 2036.

The next GTAA is due to be finalised and published by 24th February 2027.

The 2022 GTAA is available to download here and on the Planning Policy webpage once it is approved.

  • Temporary Accommodation Charging Policy (PDF 776 KB)
  • Rent arrears prevention and recovery policy (PDF 828 KB)