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Anti-social behaviour

We take all complaints of anti-social behaviour seriously.  We seek to take action whenever we can, providing it is justified.

What is anti-social behaviour?

Any behaviour that has caused or was likely to cause, Harassment, Alarm or Distress to one or more persons, not of the same household.

Anti-social behaviour comes in many different forms ranging from low-level nuisance to serious harassment. It can damage people’s quality of life and interfere with their ability to use and enjoy their home or community.

Everyone has the right to live in an environment free from anti-social behaviour.

Examples may include (the list is not an exclusive one):

  • Drunk or rowdy groups
  • Harassment or intimidation
  • Street drinking
  • Vandalism & or graffiti/litter
  • Throwing missiles
  • Drug related nuisance
  • Noise nuisance
  • Racial or Homophobic Behaviour
  • Aggressive or threatening behaviour
  • Vehicle related nuisance
  • Prostitution/sexual acts

We take all complaints of anti-social behaviour seriously.  We seek to take action whenever we can, providing it is justified.

What is not classed as anti-social behaviour?

Examples of behaviour which would not be considered as anti-social are:

  • Children playing
  • Personal lifestyle differences
  • One off’ issues unless they are of a particularly serious nature
  • Normal living noises such as opening and closing doors and flushing toilets
  • Indiscriminate parking such as parking on the pavement and vehicle obstruction
This list doesn’t cover all situations but gives an idea of where we would not take action but where we can offer advice and guidance.

We will always explain if we cannot intervene in a case, sometimes we will direct you to other agencies/departments that will be able to help with the problem.

What action can the SaferNPT Partnership take against individuals?

Depending on whether the individual is a juvenile or adult and the nature and persistence of their anti-social behaviour, Safer Neath Port Talbot Partnership can:

  • Serve Warning Letters on the individual
  • Work with support services in engaging with the individual to try to resolve issues which may be the underlying cause of their behaviour
  • Establish Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABC) with the individual

Or in extreme and/or persistent  cases we can

  • Work with private landlords        
  • Seek other remedies including eviction orders by working with Registered Private Landlords
  • Make application for a court order
  •  Or use any other appropriate legislation

What you can do

Sort things out early

Many neighbour problems can be sorted out simply by talking to each other. Sometimes people genuinely don’t know they are creating a nuisance. If a concern doesn’t involve serious threats or violence, it may be best for you to discuss it with your neighbour in the first instance, before taking it further.

We would advise that you only do this if you feel confident in resolving the problem amicably. Remember, your safety is paramount and we would not suggest that you approach anyone who is known to be violent or aggressive.   

It may be possible for us to offer mediation.

The partnership can only take actions over problems brought to its attention.  It is important for you to report incidents via 101 (see below for more details).  We screen all calls for anti-social behaviour and in this way we can progress cases further.

We rely on evidence that you and our partnership agencies can supply which will enable us to progress cases further.

How do you report a problem?

Contact the Police via 101 to report incidents that do not require emergency response.

In the event of an emergency dial 999.

Reports of anti-social behaviour should be made by telephoning 101, which is the single non emergency number to the police.  

You can email

What response can you expect?

All reports of anti-social behaviour via 101 are prioritised according to need and are later screened by the ASB Unit.

This information is then held on a confidential database for the purpose of monitoring and reducing anti-social behaviour.

We work in partnership with the police and other agencies, but we will NOT give out your personal details to any party outside of the Safer Neath Port Talbot Partnership without your consent.

If you make direct contact with the ASB Unit via e-mail you will receive an acknowledgement within 5 working days, but usually within 24 hours.

PLEASE NOTE we will NOT give out your personal details to any member of the general public

Community Trigger

The Community Trigger allows victims of persistent anti-social behaviour, who have previously reported incidents to one or more agencies, to request a review of their case where they feel the actions taken have not been adequate.

Activating the Community Trigger will bring relevant agencies together to share information, review the actions that have been taken and try to reach a solution that will hopefully prevent similar incidents from happening again. For the purposes of the Community Trigger, anti-social behaviour is defined as 'behaviour causing harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household'.

Who can use the Community Trigger?

  • Victims of anti-social behaviour
  • Someone representing a victim such as a carer, councillor or family member. Consent must be gained from the victim prior to the application.
  • Communities or businesses

If you have not previously reported the anti-social behaviour:

If you have been a victim of anti-social behaviour but have not reported the incidents to anyone, you will not be eligible to activate the trigger.

"Working Together to make our Communities a Safer Place in which to Live and work"

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