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Leader/Cabinet Executive

Cabinet - 10

Portfolio number Portfolio title Portfolio holder
Portfolio 1 Community and Strategic Leadership / Leader Councillor Steve Hunt (Leader)
Portfolio 2 Finance, Performance and Social Justice Councillor Simon Knoyle
Portfolio 3 Education and Early Years Councillor Nia Jenkins
Portfolio 4 Climate Change and Economic Growth Councillor Jeremy Hurley
Portfolio 5 Nature, Tourism, and Well-being Councillor Cen Phillips
Portfolio 6 Children and Family Services Councillor Sian Harris
Portfolio 7 Adult Social Services and Health Councillor Jo Hale
Portfolio 8 Housing and Community Safety Councillor Alun Llewelyn
Portfolio 9 Strategic Planning, Transport and Connectivity Councillor Wyndham Griffiths
Portfolio 10 Streetscene Councillor Scott Jones

Portfolio 1 - Community and Strategic Leadership (Leader)

  • Political Leadership
  • Policy and Strategic Resource Planning
  • Covid-19 Recovery
  • Corporate Plan, including wellbeing objectives and wellbeing statement
  • Well-being Plan/Public Services Board
  • Corporate Joint Committees (CJC’s)
  • Overview of regional and wider area collaborative working arrangements
  • Corporate Governance and Risk Management, including Annual Governance Statement
  • Community Relations, Communications and Marketing
  • West Glamorgan Trust Fund


  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above
  • Any overview issues related to the corporate management of the Chief Executive’s Office as a whole

Deputy Leader

  • Deputising for the Leader
  • Co-ordination of Council Business/Forward Work Programme
  • Town and Community Councils Charter
  • Portfolio 7 – Housing and Community Safety

Portfolio 2 - Finance, performance and social justice

  • Revenue and Capital Budget strategy
  • Medium term Financial Plan
  • Investment Strategy
  • Budget monitoring
  • Treasury Management
  • Income Generation – Policy and Strategy
  • Revenues and housing benefits
  • Debt write off
  • Corporate Performance Management oversight
  • Social inclusion policies/strategies, including Strategic Equalities Plan, cost of living/anti-poverty policies, Welsh Language standards, plans and policies, support to equality/diversity networks and groups
  • Executive personnel policy/strategy, including pay policy
  • Trade Union relationships/Staff Council
  • Occupational Health and Safety oversight (as an employer)
  • Customer Services policies and strategies
  • Digital Strategy, including cyber security
  • Procurement Strategy
  • Voluntary Sector compact and relationships
  • Licensing – executive functions
  • Business Continuity Planning and Emergency Planning oversight


  • Functions in respect of calculation of council tax base, as specified in Schedule 2 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Functions and Responsibilities) (Wales) Regulations 2007 as amended hereafter the 2007 Regulations being Sections 33 (1), 44 (1), 34 (3), 45 (3), 48 (3) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1992
  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above
  • Any overview issues related to the corporate management of the Finance, Digital Services, Legal Services and People Services departments as a whole

Portfolio 3 - Education and Early Years 

  • Integrated Planning and Commissioning for Children’s Services – under Part 5 - Children’s Act 2004 (Cabinet Member is Lead Member as required in the Act)
  • Families First Plan
  • Children’s Rights
  • Play Strategy
  • Childcare Strategy
  • Youth engagement and progression framework, Youth Service, Youth Council
  • School Improvement and Inclusion
  • Welsh in Education Strategic Plan
  • School governors
  • School reorganisation (Strategic School Improvement Programme)
  • Additional Learning Needs
  • Access managed services, including catering, cleaning etc


  • Education Trust Fund
  • As Local Education Authority
  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above
  • Any overview issues related to the corporate management of the Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning Directorate as a whole
  • Functions specified in Schedule 2 of the 2007 Regulations in respect of approval by a local authority under Section 51 or a determination by a local authority under Section 53 of the Schools Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013 WESP Forum

Portfolio 4 - Climate Change and Economic Growth

  • Climate change policy, including decarbonisation and renewable energy strategy
  • Corporate Joint Committee – economy and energy lead member
  • City Deal oversight
  • Local and regional economic development and regeneration strategies
  • Relationship with the private and not-for-profit businesses
  • Freeport policy
  • Foundational/circular economy strategies
  • Business services and grants/loans to businesses
  • Industrial estates
  • Baglan Energy Park
  • Coed Darcy
  • Town Centres Strategies
  • Valleys and villages strategies
  • Europe and European Funding
  • Levelling Up and Shared Prosperity programmes
  • Architectural Design
  • Construction project management
  • Promotion of high quality design
  • Asset Management
  • Canals
  • Estate Management (non-housing/non-operational property)
  • Estates and Valuation ( including acquisition and disposal of land/property)
  • Facilities Management
  • Energy Management, including renewable energy strategies
  • Enterprise Zone
  • Regional education, skills and training arrangements – lead member
  • Lifelong Learning, adult education, post-16 provision
  • Employability


  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above

Portfolio 5 - Nature, Tourism and Wellbeing

  • Strategic response to the nature emergency
  • Culture and Heritage Strategy
  • Leisure Strategy
  • Tourism and Destination Management Strategy
  • Aberavon Seafront Strategy
  • Indoor leisure services
  • Community Centres
  • Libraries and Archives
  • Country Parks
  • Sports Development and outdoor leisure services
  • Cultural services
  • Lead member for wellbeing
  • Environmental Health, including pollution control and contaminated land, food safety, private drains and sewers, housing enforcement and tobacco protection
  • Pest Control policy
  • Air Quality Strategy
  • Trading Standards, including animal welfare
  • Trading Standards Performance Plan
  • Food Law Enforcement Plan
  • Tobacco Protection Plan
  • Test, Trace, Protect oversight


  • Functions of Schedule 2 of the 2007 Regulations as follows:
    • Any function relating to contaminated land.
    • The discharge of any function relating to the control of pollution or the management of air quality.
    • The service of an abatement notice in respect of a statutory nuisance.
    • The passing of a resolution that Schedule 2 to the Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 should apply in the authority's area.
    • The inspection of the authority's area to detect any statutory nuisance.
    • The investigation of any complaint as to the existence of a statutory nuisance.
  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above

Portfolio 6 - Children and Families 

  • Children in Need and families policy
  • Youth Justice Plan and Youth Offending Service
  • Hillside Secure Unit
  • Team Around the Family policy
  • Corporate Parenting policy
  • Safeguarding policy
  • Support to adoption and fostering panels
  • Regional Partnership Board - lead member for children and family services


  • Children and Young People Social Services functions under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above

Portfolio 7 - Adult Social Services and Health

  • Adult community care services policy
  • Older people’s community care services policy
  • Local Area Co-ordination and early intervention/prevention policy
  • Welfare Rights
  • Health partnerships and integrated services oversight
  • Safeguarding policy
  • Support to Fostering and Adoption panels
  • Older persons and carers champion
  • Regional Partnership Board - lead member for adults/older persons and carers services


  • Adult Social Services functions under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above
  • Any overview issues related to the corporate management of the Social Services, Health and Housing Directorate as a whole

Portfolio 8 - Housing and Community Safety

  • Retained Strategic Housing responsibilities
  • Local Housing Strategy and relevant sub-strategies [with links to LDP and regeneration]
  • Policy to support asylum seekers and refugees
  • Homelessness policy
  • Housing, including private sector renewal, disabled facilities grants, registered social landlords, housing association partnerships and housing strategy
  • Community Safety strategy
  • Counter-terrorism and extremism policy
  • Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence strategy
  • Anti-Social Behaviour policy
  • Substance Misuse and Area Planning Board oversight
  • CCTV policy


  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above
  • Community safety and related community safety partnership matters, including drug and alcohol misuse, anti-social behaviour enforcement

Portfolio 9 - Strategic Planning, Transport and Connectivity

  • Place making charter oversight
  • Planning policy and guidance
  • Local Development Plan
  • Regional Development Plan
  • Environmental Strategy
  • Local and regional transport plans and policies
  • Active travel plans and policy
  • Existing Route Map (ERM)
  • Integrated Network Map
  • Corporate Joint Committee – lead member for strategic development plan and transport theme
  • Sustainability policy
  • Environmental Stewardship/quality including biodiversity
  • Countryside Access including footpaths, bridleways, public paths, rights of way, definitive map
  • Street Naming
  • Development Management
  • Building Control
  • High Hedges
  • Engineering and Highways functions oversight
  • South Wales Trunk Road Agency oversight
  • Coastal Protection policy
  • Road Safety policy
  • Highway Development Control – including Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUD’S) approval body oversight
  • Traffic Orders
  • Bus shelters
  • Concessionary Fares
  • Passenger/community transport
  • Fleet Management and Maintenance
  • On and off street parking policy– including CCTV mobile enforcement
  • Highway Asset Management oversight
  • Biodiversity policy
  • Japanese Knotweed


  • Residual planning functions – eg preparation of supplementary planning guidance, designation of conservation areas, areas of archaeological interest and nature reserves, removal of permitted development rights through Article 4 directions
  • Obtaining particulars of persons interested in land (s16 Local Government[Miscellaneous Provisions] Act 1976)
  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above
  • Any overview issues related to the corporate management of the Environment Directorate as a whole
  • Obtaining of information under s 300 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as to interest in land.
  • Functions of Schedule 2 of the 2007 Regulations relating to The obtaining of information under section 330 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as to interests in land and the obtaining of particulars of persons interested in land under section 16 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

Portfolio 10 - Streetscene

  • Regional and local waste plans and policies
  • Neighbourhood Services and Management oversight
  • Town centre management oversight
  • Grass verge and associated landscaping oversight
  • Land Drainage oversight
  • Flood Defence oversight
  • In-house Building Services oversight
  • Public Lighting oversight
  • Maintenance and management of parks, playgrounds, sports fields, bowling greens etc. oversight
  • Grounds maintenance, arboricultural services oversight
  • Cemeteries and Margam Crematorium oversight
  • Waste management, including recycling oversight
  • Dog and animal impounding policy
  • Waste transfer station
  • Highways Maintenance and Operations
  • Litter enforcement policy


  • Functions of Schedule 2 of the 2007 Regulations in respect of the making of agreements for the execution of highways works
  • NPT Waste Management Company Limited (as shareholder)
  • Monitor quarterly budget and performance in securing continuous improvement of all the functions listed above