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Councillors and committees

Find local Councillors, Committee meetings and how to view remote meetings of Council

Find your Councillor

See your Councillor(s)

Agendas, reports and minutes

Read committee agendas, reports and minutes

Watch live meetings

View live council meetings and view archived council meetings

Standards Committee Decision: On the 17th June 2024 the Standards Committee of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council considered a complaint of a breach of the Code of Conduct for Members relating to County Borough Councillor Dean Lewis, Member of the Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and representative of the Tonna and Resolven ward. The Standards Committee has now issued its report into that complaint.
How to view remote Council meetings

You can now view Neath Port Talbot Council meetings online


How Scrutiny Committees work to ensure transparency of Council business


Information about the Councils Executive meetings and where decisions are taken

Access to meetings - Information

Information on the Access to Information provisions

How the Council works

Council, Committees and Management including Management structure

Members allowances

Each year we publish details of the allowances paid to our elected members in the previous year

Town and community councils

Information about local Town and Community Councils

Public participation at Council meetings

You can participate in various Council and Committee meetings

Constitution of Neath Port Talbot

Our Constitution

Neath Port Talbot ward map

Map of electoral wards

Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of the Senedd (MSs)

Contact details for MPs and MSs for Neath Port Talbot

Privacy notice - Councillors

Privacy notice