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Section 80, 81 and 82 of the Building Act 1984 deal with demolitions. They lay down procedures which you must adopt if you intend to demolish a building. connected with other buildings).

We must be notified of your intention to demolish (please use the form below) and given a block/location plan of the building and adjoining streets.

A method statement will be required for a large building or buildings on restricted sites. You should also notify all the relevant statutory undertakers of your intentions so that they can arrange for suitable disconnections of services.

The Fire Authority should also be consulted if materials are to be burnt on site. The Health & Safety Executive may also have to be involved in certain instances. Adjoining property owners and occupiers should also be notified.

After this initial notification, we will inspect the site and respond listing conditions relating to the shoring and weatherproofing of adjoining building, grubbing of foundations, drains, etc. Conditions are laid down to ensure public health and safety and to protect the environment.

It must be borne in mind the requirement to apply for relevant Planning and/or Listed Building Consents.

Severe penalties exist where these procedures are not followed.


  • Demolition notice (PDF 40 KB)