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Highway Development Control

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council is the Highway Authority for non-trunk roads and motorways in the Borough area. The functions of the Highway Development Control Section are;

  • To give advice to the Planning Section as statutory consultee on highway matters.
  • To deal with highway aspects of pre-planning enquiries into potential development sites.
  • To secure improvements to the highway associated with new development.
  • To give advice on the suitability of sites proposed for inclusion in the Local Development Plan.
  • To ensure roads are constructed to the required standards of the Authority so they are suitable for adoption.
  • To undertake the vetting of drawing for new highway or alterations to existing highway associated with new developments.
  • To respond to Goods Vehicle Operators Licence Applications.
  • To respond to Street Trading Applications.

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council is also the Lead Local Flood Authority and as part of this the Highway Development Control Section deals with Land Drainage issues and Water Course Consenting.

The Section is managed by the Highway Development Control Manager Justin Griffiths (01639 686850)

Highway Development Control ensures that new developments do not have a detrimental impact on Neath Port Talbot's road network, including road safety, traffic flow, traffic generation and the environment. It also deals with water course consents.

The Section covers:

  • Planning Applications – Highways
  • Statutory Road Agreements
  • Ordinary Water Course Consents

Sustainable Urban Drainage

Planning Applications - Highways

The Highway Development Control Section has an important role within the development control system. The Local Planning Authority (LPA) has the power to refuse/accept development proposals/applications directly. The LPA must consult the Highway Authority (HA), if the development fronts a classified road. It is the Highway Authority's role to give highway observations on whether a development will have a detrimental impact on traffic and road safety.

Planning applications can fall into three types that are submitted to the LPA, which are assessed and decided by Development Control Officers with recommendation made by the Highway Development Control Section:

1. Outline Planning Applications

Highway Input and Land Drainage Input

This will look at the principle of a development but does not give permission for work to commence on site. Specific details such as the proposed layout of the site do not have to be given at this time but an indicative layout might assist in defining the possible layout. The permission notice if granted, states which matters have been reserved for later approval. No work may begin on site until all of the reserved matters have been approved.

2. Detailed (Full) Planning Applications

Highway Input

An applicant may apply for full planning permission where full details of a development are known.  Detailed plans need to be submitted outlining for example means of access, the internal layout, landscaping, elevations and car parking arrangements. Before work can start on site detailed permission is required.

Land Drainage Input

This will require details of any existing water course or means of drainage of a site which is not part of the public sewer, or connection to an existing watercourse.

3. Change of use

Highway input into this type of planning application may be required if there are changes in traffic patterns that differ to the original use.

Highway Recommendation

On considering a planning application, three types of recommendations are available to the Highway Authority:

No highway objections to the proposal - where there is no detrimental affect on the highway;

Request planning conditions - where the application will be acceptable in highway terms subject to certain conditions. This may include developer contributions to facilitate the provision of a safe access or sustainable transport measures;

Request refusal of the planning application on highway grounds – these can be challenged at appeal, if the LPA agrees with the refusal and refuses the application.

Note: The Highway Authority can only make recommendations. The final decision rests with the Planning Authority.   

Further information about the planning process can be viewed online on the Authority’s website.

Statutory Agreement

Approved planning applications can be subject to conditions and/or legal agreements.

Section 106 Agreements

Under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990, the Local Planning Authority may require the applicant to contribute to facilities. These may include, affordable housing, open space and sustainable transport measures for example. Early discussions with both planning and highway officers to clarify what might be required is encouraged.

Section 38 Agreements

Where a planning application involves a new estate road for example, developers are required to design them to standards approved by the Council. Following the granting of planning permission and before commencing construction on site, developers are requested to enter into an agreement and bond to cover the full cost of the road construction under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980. Without such an agreement in place developers will be required to make deposit with the Council under the Advanced Payment code.  

Developers are advised to discuss these issues with the Council's Highway Development Control section at an early stage to avoid delays at the implementation stage.

Section 278 Agreements

Where a development requires work to be carried out within the boundaries of the existing highway and the Council is satisfied that the works will be of benefit to the public, an Agreement will need to be completed between the developer and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980. These works could incorporate such items as traffic calming, a new roundabout, traffic signals or other junction improvement as examples, where such an Agreement would be necessary.

Under the provisions of Section 278, the developer can:

  • be appointed as the Authorities agent to carry out the works at their own expense, in which case the Agreement must be supported by a bond;
  • contribute towards the future maintenance of the completed works with a commuted sum.

Under no circumstances shall works be permitted within the limits of the publicly maintained highway until the Section 278 Agreement and bond are secured.      

Before the signing of the Section 278 Agreement full engineering drawings will need to be formally approved, where a charge is made for this service prior to a formal letter of technical approval is given.

The Developer must use an appropriate contractor to under take works on the publicly maintained highway who is from the Council’s select list of contractors who has been approved to undertake that value of works.

Section 38 and 278 Agreements

Where a simple junction is to be created or works to allow the development include private and existing public maintained highway a combined Section 38/278 Agreement shall be used. An example of this could be right turn lane, roundabout, signals where the land required for these works is both on the developers land and public maintained highway. The works involved would be subject to the same conditions as those above, and discussions should be undertaken with staff of the Highway Development Control Section at the earliest opportunity.


  • Section 38/278 agreement (DOCX 103 KB)

Technical specifications

You can find the full list of specification documents below. If you need a copy of any document email

  • 101 Turning Areas Residential Streets
  • 102 Turning Areas Mews Court
  • 103 Turning Areas Industrial And Commercial Roads
  • 104 Private Shared Access Serving Up To 5 Dwellings
  • 105 Turning Areas Private Shared Access (In Excess Of 45M)
  • 106 Forward Visibility Envelope On Horizontal And Vertical Plane
  • 107 Arrangement Of Passing Bays On Roads With Carrageway Less Than 5.5M
  • 108 Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing
  • 109 Controlled Pedestrian Crossings
  • 110 Controlled Staggered Pedestrian Crossings
  • 111 Junction Plateau Raised Carriageway Layout
  • 112 Junction Plateau Kerbing
  • 113 Mini Roundabout
  • 114 Roundabout
  • 115 Junction Road Markings
  • 116 Junction Road Markings Junctions With Primary Roads
  • 117 Pedestrian And Cycle Staggered Barrier
  • 118 Disabled Parking Bay Arrangement
  • 119 Parking Arrangement Public Highway REVISED
  • 120 Parking Arrangement Car Parks REVISED
  • 121 Parking Standards REVISED
  • 201 Footway And Carriageway Construction Residential Streets
  • 202 Vehicular Crossover Residential Streets
  • 203 Grit + Salt Bin Hardstanding
  • 204 Mews Court Carriageway Footway And Vehiclular Crossover Construction
  • 205 Mews Court Rumble Strip
  • 206 Mews Court Kerb
  • 207 Mews Court Block Paving Pattern And Colour
  • 208 Mews Court Block Paving Pattern & Gully Cover And Frame Setting
  • 209 Block Paved Vehicular Crossover Construction
  • 210 Shared Surface Construction
  • 211 Shared Surface Construction Surface And Drainage Arrangements
  • 212 Footway And Carriageway Construction For Residential Streets (Bus Routes)
  • 213 Ramp Detail For Raised Carriageway
  • 214 Ramp Construction Detail For Raised Carriageway Macadam Plateau
  • 215 Raised Carriageway Ramp Construction Bus Route
  • 216 Ramp Construction Detail For Raised Carriageway Macadam Ramp & Plateau
  • 217 Rumble Strip
  • 218 Shared And Segregated Footway And Cycleway
  • 219 Shared Cycle Footpath And Bridleway Arrangement
  • 220 Block Paviour Awareness Surfacing
  • 221 Back Lane Construction
  • 222 External Wall Insulation Abutting Footway
  • 301 Footway And Carriageway Construction Industrial Estate Roads
  • 302 Footway And Vehicular Crossover Industrial And Commercial Roads REVISED
  • 401 Bus Bays
  • 402 Bus Stop
  • 403 Bus Stop Construction
  • 404 Pedestrian Guardrail
  • 405 Pedestrian Guardrail (Visirail)
  • 406 Pedestrian Guadrail Handrail (Kee Klamp)
  • 407 Group P2 Vertical Infill Vehicle Pedestrian Parapet 48Kph Traffic Speed
  • 408 Precast Concrete Kerbs Channels And Edgings
  • 409 Trief Kerbing
  • 410 Kassel Kerbing
  • 411 Round Top Road Hump And Road Markings
  • 412 Flat Top Road Hump And Road Markings
  • 413 Speed Cushions And Road Markings
  • 414 Speed Cushion (Construction)
  • 415 Street Name Plate
  • 416 Arrangement Of Services In Footway
  • 417 Tie In Of Existing With New Carriageway Construction
  • 418 Public Stairway
  • 419 Grass Paving
  • 501 Manhole Detail Type A Depth From Ground Level To Soffit Of Pipe 3M To 6M
  • 502 Manhole Detail Type B Maximum Depth From Ground Level To Soffit Of Pipe 3M
  • 503 Manhole Detail Type C Depth From Ground Level To Soffit Of Pipe 1M To 1.5M
  • 504 Manhole Detail Type D Depth From Ground Level To Soffit Of Pipe Less Than 1M
  • 505 Manhole Detail Types E & F
  • 506 Flow Control Chamber With Weir Wall
  • 507 Vertical Backdrop
  • 508 Short Length Pipe And Rocker Pipe
  • 509 Chamber Size And Drainage Notes
  • 510 Precast Concrete Gully
  • 511 Brick Road Gully And Footway Gully
  • 512 Trench Bedding And Flexible Joint
  • 513 Lined Ditch And Outfall
  • 514 Trash Screen
  • 515 Typical Soakaway REVISED
  • 516 Precast Concrete Catchpit
  • 517 Stone Lined Ditch
  • 518 Filter Drain
  • 519 Silt Gravel Trap
  • 520 Silt Gravel Trap Grid
  • 601 Concrete Retaining Wall 0.68 1.2
  • 602 Concrete Retaining Wall 1.5M
  • 603 Concrete Retaining Wall 1.8 2.4
  • 604 Reinforced Concrete T Cantilever Wall
  • 605 Masonry Gravity Wall 0.9M
  • 606 Masonry Gravity Wall 1.4 1.7M
  • 607 Masonry Gravity Wall 2.0M
  • 608 Pocket Type Reinforced Masonry Wall
  • 609 Reinforced Grouted Masonry Wall
  • 701 Aluminium Lighting Column
  • 702 Column Identification Plate
  • 703 Bracket Assembly To Attach Sign To Lighting Column Or Structure REVISED
  • 704 Single Sign Post (Non Illuminated)
  • 705 Single Sign Post (Illuminated) REVISED
  • 706 Sign Post Foundation Details For Two And Three Post Sign Assemblies
  • 707 Zebra Crossing Post And 24V LED Beacon
  • 711 8 Way Stainless Steel Or Galvanised Feeder Pillar
  • 712 Street Lighting Feeder Pillar General Arrangement
  • 713 Arrangement Of Street Lighting Apparatus
  • 714 Cross Section Of Street Lighting Duct In Footway
  • 715 Cross Section Of Street Lighting Duct In Carriageway REVISED
  • 716 Access Chamber Street Light Duct In Footway
  • 717 Access Chamber Street Lighting Duct In Carriageway REVISED
  • 720 Earth Electrode Pit
  • 721 Street Lighting Column, Access Chamber And Earth Electrode In Highway Verge