Flood Risk Management Act
The Government through the Department of Environment, Food and Rural affairs (DEFRA) and subsequently through the Welsh Government, have produced a series of High Level Targets that Natural Resources Wales and in turn Lead Local Flood Authority’s must meet in order to manage and reduce the risk to people and property from flooding incidents.
Neath Port Talbot CBC, as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) is required by the Flood Risk Regulations (2009), EU Floods Directive 2007/60/EC and Flood and Water Management Act 2010 to take reasonable steps to prevent or mitigate the risk of flooding to people and property. However, it must be noted that flooding is a natural process and no drainage system or flood protection measures can give absolute protection from all flooding events.
The Council have powers under the Land Drainage Act 1991, Highways Act 1980 and Coastal Protection Act 1949 to enforce on private land owners to ensure flood risk is mitigated and our Highways & Drainage Services department ensures basic maintenance of certain assets that are under the ownership of the council is undertaken routinely.
The Council will aim to:-
- Provide advice and guidance to residents, who may be affected by a flood event, on ways to alleviate the risk of flooding to their properties.
- Have engineers and maintenance workers on duty to provide immediate support at key locations and ensure that defences and drainage system are inspected, maintained and works carried out at the earliest opportunity.
- Maintain and clear road networks impacted by severe weather.
- If necessary, assist in the evacuation of residents and the provision of temporary accommodation through rest centres.
- Respond to requests for emergency assistance from the public based on priorities and also on the availability of resources, if safe to do so.
- Work with multi agency partners to minimise the impact of flooding and storms on the communities in Neath Port Talbot CBC and ensure the continuity of key services.
At times of emergency, the Council will endeavour to protect the public at large and will not be able to assist a large number of individual homeowners who may find their properties threatened.