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Strategic Equality Plan

We recognise that the world has changed since the publication of the Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) 2020-2024 and have been acutely aware that our SEP needs to reflect this. To this end we have drafted a revised SEP 2024-2028 which has been developed though engagement with equality groups and council officers to ensure we address the inequalities currently faced by our communities. We have considered recent publications and relevant research and feedback from consultation with residents as well as our other statutory commitments

However, due to our reporting timetable we are not able to publish this revised SEP until September 2024. In the interim our SEP 2020-2024 will remain in place; particularly as through our engagement activities our equality objectives are considered still relevant and appropriate.

In light of the changing circumstances new or revised actions have been developed to meet these objectives and in some instances are already being progressed.

Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024

Our revised Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024, developed in line with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, demonstrates our continuing commitment to provide high quality public services that meet the needs and aspirations of all Neath Port Talbot citizens.

In developing the SEP we have taken into account data that has been gathered from a variety of sources; from national research to local surveys and service information to public engagement activities. We have also built on the work that has already been done to progress the equality agenda in Neath Port Talbot.

The publication of the SEP is not the end of the process but just the beginning! We welcome people’s views and comments throughout the life of the SEP and will consider them, along with those received through other engagement activities, when reviewing our equality objectives and associated actions.

If you require a hard copy or need the Strategic Equality Plan in an alternative format, please ring the Corporate Policy Team on 01639 763010 or send an e-mail to


  • Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2022-2023 (PDF 16.00 MB)

Previous SEP and Annual Reports