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Elections and voting

Register to vote, how to vote and view election results

Register to vote

Find out how to register to vote

Voter ID

The UK Government has passed a law that changes the way you vote. Photo ID is now needed in some elections.

How to vote

Find out about the different ways of casting your vote.

When Elections are held

Details of upcoming elections

Election results

See details of local, UK and European election results

Help for disabled voters

We aim to make all polling stations accessible to disabled voters

The electoral register

Inspect the register, how to opt in or out of it and how to buy it.

Polling stations and hours

Find your local polling station

Boundary matters

Information on current and previous reviews

Special category electors

Information on all special voter registrations available.

Polling District Review 2023

Information on the current polling district review

Working at elections

Information on how to get involved at elections

Contact Electoral Services

Get in touch with Electoral Services