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Accounts 2022-2023

Completion of Accounts - Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

NOTICE is hereby given that:

In compliance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations, the appointed Auditor has certified that the Audit of Accounts of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council for the year ending 31 March 2023 has been completed in accordance with the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 and the Code of Audit Practice issued by the Audit General for Wales.

In accordance with the provisions contained in the above Regulations, the Statement of Accounts can be viewed on the Council’s website Alternatively, copies may be inspected by appointment in the Finance and Corporate Services Directorate, Civic Centre, Port Talbot, SA13 1PJ.

Dated this 14 November 2023

K Jones

Chief Executive

Civic Centre, Port Talbot.


  • Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023 (PDF 1.80 MB)
  • Margam Crematorium Annual Return 2022-2023 (PDF 2.90 MB)
  • Statement of Accounts 2022-2023 (PDF 1,015 KB)

Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales - Audit of accounts 2022/23

Notice of certification of completion of the audit

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under Regulation 13 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations (Wales) 2014 (as amended 2018):

  1. the Auditor General for Wales has completed the audit of the above accounts for the year ended 31st March 2023 and an unqualified opinion and certificate on the accounts were issued by the Auditor, Audit Wales for that year.
  2. The Statement of Accounts 2022/23 and Auditor’s Report are available to local government electors for inspection by application in writing to the Chief Finance Officer at the address below or by downloading from the Commissioner’s website

David Holloway Young

Chief Finance Officer

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales

Cowbridge Road


CF31 3SU

20th November 2023