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Appendix 1

Map Of Neath Port Talbot For Gambling Policy

  • Map Of Neath Port Talbot For Gambling Policy (JPG 1.19 MB)

Appendix 2

Consultees - Gambling Policy

  • South Wales Police
  • Gambling Commission
  • ABMU Public Health Wales
  • British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers & Attractions Ltd (BALPPA)
  • British Greyhound Racing Board
  • Bingo Association
  • British Beer & Pub Association
  • Association of British Bookmakers
  • Casino Operators Association of the UK
  • Racecourse Association Ltd
  • British Amusements + Catering Trades Association
  • British Holiday & Home Parks Association
  • Community Councils
  • Neath Port Talbot Community Safety Partnership
  • Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Services
  • Existing Licence / Permit holders (S34’s, bingo, betting shops)
  • Neath Port Talbot CVS
  • Neath Town Centre Partnership
  • Neath Town Centre Manager
  • Business Crime Reduction Partnership
  • Gamblers Anonymous
  • Gamcare
  • Young Games and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM)
  • CAIS
  • Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Services
  • Western Bay Safeguarding Boards
  • All Local Authority Directorates in particular:-
    • Environmental Health Section
    • Children and Young People Services

Appendix 3

Matters to be dealt with Full Council Full Committee Sub Committee Officers
Three year Gambling Policy X X    
Policy not to permit Casinos X X    
Fee Setting – when appropriate        
Application for premises licence     Where representations have been received and not withdrawn Where no representations received / representations have been withdrawn

Application for a variation to a licence

    Where representations have been received and not withdrawn Where no representations received / representations have been withdrawn
Application for a transfer of a licence     Where representations have been received and not withdrawn Where no representations received / representations have been withdrawn
Application for a provisional statement     Where representations have been received and not withdrawn Where no representations received/representations have been withdrawn

Application to review premises licence/club premises certificate




Application for club gaming/club machine permits    

Where objections have been made (and not withdrawn)

Where no objections have been made (or have been withdrawn)
Cancellation of club gaming/club machine permits      X  
Applications for other permits       X
Cancellation of licensed premises gaming machine permits       X
Consideration of temporary use notice        X
Decision to give a counter notice to a temporary use notice      X  
Decision on whether a complaint is irrelevant frivolous vexatious etc       X
Decision as Responsible Authority to call for a Review of a Premises Licence        X