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Land and premises

The way the Council uses and manages assets is central to its ability to support Best Value Service delivery. A building fit for purpose, in the right location for users, can make all the difference between a good and a poor service. Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council owns and manages property assets ranging from Garage Compounds and Grazing land to Civic accommodation and industrial units.

For sale - current availability

For sale - current availability

To let - current availability

To let - current availability

Industrial estates

Information on all Council managed Estates

Neath indoor market

Information about Neath indoor market

Domestic garages

Garages compounds Neath Port Talbot

Purchase ground lease

Purchase ground lease

Land ownership

Make a land ownership enquiry

Minor land sales/tenancies

Applications to purchase or lease small parcels of land

Grazing land

Grazing land for let

Port Talbot open air market

Port Talbot open air market

Self build plots

Self build plots

Tendering opportunities

Submit tenders and expressions of interest