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D58-3109 - Eastern Avenue, Eastern Avenue land to Nant Y Fedw and Viaduct Road

(Revocation) and (30mph speed limit) Order 2024

Statement of reason

The Order is necessary to provide a lowered speed limit which is below the existing national speed limit prior to locations with the new 20mph default speed limit.

This forms part of the Welsh Government’s national roll out of the 20mph default speed limit in urban areas.

The proposed lowered speed limit is known as a buffer zone helping drivers to reduce their speed prior to entering the new 20mph default speed limit areas in the interest of road safety.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council in pursuance of its powers as contained in Section 84 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 intends to make a Speed Restriction Order the general effect of which is set out in the Schedule below.

A copy of the draft Order, plan and statement of reasons can be inspected on the Council’s Internet Website.

Any objections should be submitted in writing, setting out the reasons thereof, to reach the Head of Engineering and Transport, The Quays, Baglan Energy Park, SA11 2GG by 28th June 2024.

If you have any further enquiries regarding this notice please send your email to:


Schedule 1 - Revocation

To revoke any existing speed limit orders in so far as it relates to the length of road set out in Schedule 2 of this Order.

Schedule 2 - proposed 30mph speed limit

2.1 Eastern Avenue, Cymmer

From its junction with Coronation Avenue for a distance of approximately
150 metres in an easterly direction.

2.2 Eastern Avenue Lane to Nant Y Fedw, Cymmer

From a point approximately 150 metres east of its junction with Coronation Avenue for a distance of approximately 272 metres easterly then north easterly direction.

2.3 Viaduct Road, Cymmer

From its junction with eastern avenue lane to Nant Y Fedw for its entire
length of approximately 390 metres to its junction with A4107 from Cymmer to Blaengwynfi.

Dated 7th June 2024

M C Griffiths
Head of Legal and Democratic Services

The Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council in exercise of its powers under Section 84 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (hereinafter referred to as the Act of 1984) and of all other powers it enabling and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 of the Act of 1984 hereby makes the following order:-

  1. This Order shall come into operation on the  day of 2024 and may
    be cited as the “Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (Eastern
    Avenue, Eastern Avenue Lane to Nant y Fedw and Viaduct Road,
    Cymmer) (Revocation) (30mph Speed Limit) Order 2024.
    1. Except where otherwise stated, any reference in this Order to a
      numbered article or schedule is a reference to the article or schedule bearing that number in this Order.
    2. The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the interpretation of this Order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.
  2. The provisions of all existing Speed Limit Orders made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (or under any enactment which preceded that Act) are hereby revoked in so far as they relate to the length of road specified in the Schedule of this Order.
  3. No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to be driven at a speed in excess of 30 miles per hour on the length of road specified in the
    Schedule of this Order.
D58-3109 - Eastern Avenue, Cymmer D58-3109 - Eastern Avenue, Cymmer