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Industrial pollution control

Environmental Permitting

The Council has the responsibility for regulating certain industrial activities under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016 . These regulations  specify the types of operation which must apply for a permit. Most permits are "Part B" permits and only regulate emissions to air.  But some permits are "A2" and regulate water pollution, land contamination, energy usage and accident prevention, although this tends only to be for a few of the larger industrial sites. 

Natural Resources Wales ( NRW) regulates the larger or more complex industries, which are known as "A1" installations.

Do I need a permit?

If your process is prescribed within the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016 then you will need to apply for a permit.  If your process is a "Part B" or "A2" then you must apply to this Council.  If it is an "A1" activity then you must apply to NRW.

How do I apply for a permit?

It is recommended to contact us before applying for a permit as we will be able to guide you in what can be a complicated procedure.

Standard application forms can be downloaded below and posted to us:


  • Permit application for most activities (DOCX 118 KB)
  • Permit application for vehicle re-sprayers (DOCX 120 KB)
  • Permit application for petrol stations (DOCX 114 KB)
  • Permit application dry cleaners (DOCX 107 KB)
  • Permit variation (DOCX 112 KB)
  • Permit transfer (DOCX 112 KB)
  • Permit surrender (DOCX 32 KB)

If your application is accepted it will be placed on a public register.

The application may involve one or more stages of public consultation and we aim to make a decision on the application in 3 to 4 months depending on the type of application. 

If your application is refused or you disagree with the permit conditions, then you have a right of appeal to the Welsh  Government.

What conditions will be in the permit?

The permit conditions will be drafted based upon government guidance contained in "Process Guidance Notes" and having regard to the specific circumstances of your activity.  In most cases draft permits will be provided to operators for comment as part of the application process.  But petrol stations and other small activities with simple "standard" permits are frequently not consulted in this way.

How long does the permit last?

Once your permit has been issued, it will continue to be in force until surrendered by the operator or revoked by the Council.  There are several reasons why a council might revoke a permit.  These include: non payment of annual subsistence fees; the holder of the permit is no longer the operator of the activity; the activity has not been operated for a long time etc.  A permit may be subject to a suspension notice if there is an imminent risk of serious pollution to the environment.

What other information is available?

There are a number of useful online resources available on the Defra website.

Who can I contact for further information?

Please contact a member of our Environmental Health Section if you require further information. 

Tel: (01639) 686595

Is there register of permit holders?

A list of permit holders, sites and a summary of what can be found on the public register can be found below.