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Small society lotteries

Societies wishing to sell lottery tickets must be registered with the Council. To register as a small society lottery an organisation must be established and conducted:

  • for charitable purposes
  • for the purpose of enabling participation in, or of supporting, sport, athletics or a cultural activity
  • for any other non-commercial purpose other than that of private gain.

To enable a society to be considered a "small society lottery" the total value of tickets to be put on sale per single lottery must be £20,000 or less, or the aggregate value of tickets to be put on sale for all their lotteries in a calendar year must not exceed £250,000. If the operator plans to exceed wither of these values then they may need to be licensed with the Gambling Commission as a large lottery.

Further information is available on the Gambling Commission's website


  • Application form for the registration of a small society lottery (PDF 254 KB)