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Adult Social Care and Health

Advice and support for adult health and social care

West Glamorgan Shared Lives

Supporting people with an assessed need who want help living in their community

Community Resource Team

Information about the support and services offered by the Neath Port Talbot Community Resource Team

Blue Badges

Find out if you are eligible for a blue badge

Care Assessment

We will assess your needs to work out what help and support is needed

Respite/Short Breaks

An adult or carer can have a temporary break from usual care arrangements

Support and Information for Carers

We can help if you are providing care or support to someone

Direct Payments

To enable people to arrange care and services themselves ​instead of receiving a package of care arranged by the Local Authority

Paying for Residential and Community Care

Paying for care in a residential or nursing home

Extra care accommodation

Sheltered and extra-care housing options for older people