Most Popular
Bin day finder⠀
Check your next bin and recycling collection date
Bulky item collections⠀
We can collect your unwanted household items
Order recycling equipment⠀
Place an order for additional equipment
Parking permits⠀
Resident parking permits including renewals and replacements
Pay your Council Tax⠀
Pay your council tax online, and ways to pay
Planning applications⠀
View and comment on planning applications
Recycling centres⠀
Book a slot to visit our recycling centres
Register to vote⠀
Find out who can vote and how to register
Renew library books⠀
Renew library books and other items
- Blue Badge ⠀
- Birth, death or marriage certificate ⠀
- Bulky item collection ⠀
- Business license ⠀
- Council tax discount or exemption ⠀
- Disabled Facilities Grant ⠀
- Free school meals ⠀
- Housing benefit/Council tax support ⠀
- Jobs ⠀
- Join the library ⠀
- Parking permits ⠀
- Postal vote ⠀
- Register to vote ⠀
- School admissions ⠀
- School essentials grant ⠀
- Van permit ⠀
- Abandoned Vehicle(s) ⠀
- Benefit Fraud ⠀
- Blue Badge Misuse ⠀
- Change of Address ⠀
- Dog fouling ⠀
- Empty Property ⠀
- Flytipping ⠀
- Food Hygiene Complaint ⠀
- Found dog ⠀
- General incident report ⠀
- Graffiti ⠀
- Highways issue ⠀
- Litter, Dog Foul and Grit Bin Issue ⠀
- Lost dog ⠀
- Missed Collections ⠀
- Noise Nuisance ⠀
- Pest Problem ⠀
- Pollution Incident or Nuisance⠀ ⠀
- Pothole ⠀
- Problem with a Rented Property⠀ ⠀
- Street lighting fault ⠀
- Street Cleaning Issue⠀ ⠀
- Birth, death or marriage certificate ⠀
- Blue badge ⠀
- Building inspection ⠀
- Bulky item collection ⠀
- Correspondence in Welsh ⠀
- Council tax discount or exemption ⠀
- Freedom of Information ⠀
- Free school meals ⠀
- Housing benefit ⠀
- Join the library ⠀
- Pest control visit ⠀
- Recycling and refuse equipment ⠀
- Recycling centre slot ⠀
- Parking permit ⠀
- Register to vote ⠀
- Replace a lost or damaged school bus pass ⠀
- School clothing grant ⠀
- Adult learning - course fees ⠀
- Adult learning - donations ⠀
- Betting licence (track) ⠀
- Betting licence (non-track) ⠀
- Bingo premises licence ⠀
- Building Control ⠀
- Business Rates ⠀
- Camera survey of a drainage system ⠀
- Cerdd NPT Music ⠀
- Club premises certificate – annual fees ⠀
- Club premises certificate – grant / variation ⠀
- Club premises certificate – other ⠀
- Construction ⠀
- Council Tax - by debit card ⠀
- Council Tax - by direct debit ⠀
- Environmental Health - business advice ⠀
- Environmental Health housing consultation fee ⠀
- First Aid course ⠀
- Food hygiene rating penalty notice ⠀
- Food hygiene rating re-score charge ⠀
- Groundworks ⠀
- Hackney carriage / private hire driver fees ⠀
- Hackney carriage vehicle ⠀
- HMO Licence Fees ⠀
- Housing Act 2004 enforcement notice charge ⠀
- Housing Benefits overpayments ⠀
- Housing Options - emergency accommodation ⠀
- Immigration inspection of dwelling ⠀
- Immigration visa property inspection ⠀
- Lifeline, Homecare, Trade Waste or Estates ⠀
- Margam Park membership ⠀
- Markets and Festivals ⠀
- Neath street fair ⠀
- "No smoking" signage fine ⠀
- Office, care and hospitality ⠀
- PASS Plus Cymru ⠀
- Penalty charge notice ⠀
- Personal licence fees ⠀
- Pest control appointment ⠀
- Planning pre-application advice ⠀
- Planning fees ⠀
- Planning – search fees ⠀
- Premises license – annual fees ⠀
- Premises license – grant / variation ⠀
- Premises license – other fees ⠀
- Private hire vehicle ⠀
- Private hire operator fees ⠀
- Rent (Tai Tarian) ⠀
- School transport - Operator DBS and ID payments ⠀
- School transport - replacement bus pass ⠀
- Smoking penalty fine ⠀
- Street naming and numbering ⠀
- Street Trader (Static) ⠀
- Street Trader (Mobile) ⠀
- Sundry debtors invoice ⠀
- Temporary events notice ⠀
- The Mayor's charities donation ⠀
- Trade waste sacks ⠀
- Trading Standards business advice ⠀
- Trading Standards business advice - weights and measures ⠀