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Part of Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) 2023-2038: step by step

Examination and Inspector's Report

The RLDP has not yet reached this stage.

The Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Welsh Government) will examine the deposit plan. The Inspector will consider the representations and the final Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) report.

The aim of the examination is to ensure that the plan is “sound”, and that the views of all commenters have been considered. The tests of “soundness” fall into three categories: procedural, consistency and coherence/effectiveness.

Part of the examination process is an Examination in Public (EIP), with all representors having the right to appear and be heard at hearing sessions.

Following the Examination, the Inspector will prepare a report. This will outline any changes that should be made to the plan, with an explanation of why they are needed. The content and recommendations of the inspector are binding on the Council.