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To follow the progress of the Local Development Plan, please visit our Consultation page.

Informal consultation on the Key Issues, Vision and Objectives, Growth and Spatial options

As part of the evidence base for the RLDP, we held an informal consultation on our Key issues, Vision, Objectives, Growth and Spatial Options from 14th May 2024 to 5th June 2024.

Comments received during this informal consultation will help inform the RLDP’s Preferred Strategy.

Consultation Paper PDF 

Next step: Preferred Strategy Consultation

The LDP team is currently working on background evidence to produce the Preferred Strategy. The Preferred Strategy is the first formal consultation stage in the preparation of the RLDP. It is anticipated that consultation on the Preferred Strategy will take place late 2024.

Call for Candidate Sites 2023 – now closed

The call for candidate sites 2023 which ran from 6th November until the 18th December 2023 has now closed. For further information on the next steps, please visit the Candidate Sites page.