Winter service policy
This will be achieved by maintaining accessibility to services and employment by ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the safe passage along the highway is not endangered by snow and ice. To comply we will do the following: -
- Respond to changes to legislation.
- Comply with the recommendations for winter maintenance in the Code of Practice for Maintenance Management, and new guidance documents issued by NWSRG.
- Publish a Winter Service Plan.
- Annually review the Winter Service Plan including stakeholder consultation.
- Carry out precautionary salting on designated roads and footways in accordance with the Winter Service Plan.
- Respond to calls from the public in accordance with the priorities set out in the Winter Service Plan.
- Implement its contingency measures through 24hr staffing and contact with the public where emergency conditions apply.
- Work in partnership with other agencies to maximise communication and minimise risk to the public.
- Employ methods aimed at ensuring effectiveness and safety whilst minimising the environmental impact.
- Provide public information on the Winter Service Plan, by displaying the precautionary gritting routes in Civic Centres and publish on the internet.
- Annually review the use and provision of salt bins.