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Public Spaces Protection Order - Exclusion of dogs on Aberavon Beach (1st May – 30th September)

The Public Spaces Protection Order – Exclusion of dogs on Aberavon Beach (1st May – 30th September) Order 2024, came into force on 6th March 2024. Under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, any Public Spaces Protection Order (“PSPO”) remains in place for three years. At this point they can be:

  • extended
  • varied
  • or discharged

Following approval by the Council, this PSPO came into effect on the 6th March 2024. It will last for a period of three years. It may be cited as the Public Spaces Protection Order – Exclusion of dogs on Aberavon Beach (1st May – 30th September) Order 2024.

This PSPO excludes dogs, between 1st May and 30th September annually, on Aberavon Beach.

A breach of this PSPO is an offence which can be dealt with through:

  • prosecution (which may lead to a Court fine of up to £1,000)
  • the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice (“FPN”) of up to £75. Payment of this FPN discharges the liability to prosecution.

See a sealed copy of this PSPO and the plan:


  • PSPO - Aberavon beach dogs exclusion (PDF 2.62 MB)