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Although mostly urban and industrial the area is able to support a variety of wildlife. The green corridors created by gardens, road verges and landscaping provide habitats for many birds and invertebrates. The grasslands around Neath Port Talbot Hospital contain some beautiful flora such as Bee orchids. The Panasonic SINC is designated for the open mosaic habitats on previously developed land including scrub, neutral grassland, fen, reedbed and ponds. NPT Bee Friendly sites within the ward include the fields off Baglan Way and outside Llys y Seren. The ward is within a BLine.

House sparrows thrive in the green corridors, you can often see them in flocks in superstore car parks. They have dramatically declined in the UK but appear to be doing well in Aberavon. The roofs of industrial units make a great alternative to natural, cliff nesting sites for several gull species. Herring gulls have declined in their natural range but are making use of our roofs. Rare bumblebees such as the Shrill carder bee have been recorded in the ward.


  1. Look for locations for NPT Bee Friendly management around the ward i.e. sites where flowers would grow if mowing was paused for the summer
  2. Encourage ward constituents to take part in ‘Hedgehog Street’ to increase connectivity of habitat for hedgehogs in the ward
  3. Explore options for green infrastructure on buildings in the ward e.g. green roofs or living walls