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Members’ Scheme of Remuneration 2024/25

This Scheme is made under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 with regard to Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) Regulations which apply to payments made to members and co-opted members of local authorities and will take effect from 1 April, 2024 until 31 March, 2025.

1. Basic Salary

1.1 A Basic Salary shall be paid to each elected Member of the Authority.

1.2 In accordance with the Regulations, the rate of the Basic Salary shall be reviewed annually as determined by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.

1.3 Where the term of office of a Member begins or ends other than at the beginning or end of a year, his/her entitlement to the Basic Salary will be pro-rata.

1.4 No more than one Basic Salary is payable to a Member of the Authority.

2. Senior Salaries & Civic Salaries

2.1 Members occupying specific posts shall be paid a Senior Salary as set out in Schedule 4.

2.2 In accordance with the Regulations, the rates of Senior Salaries and Civic Salaries shall be reviewed annually as determined by the Annual or Supplementary Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.

2.3 A Member of the Authority cannot be paid a Senior Salary and a Civic Salary.

2.4 All Senior and Civic Salaries are paid inclusive of Basic Salary.

2.5 A Senior Salary may not be paid to more than the number of members specified by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales in its Annual Report and must abide by the following principles:-

  • The total number of senior salaries cannot exceed fifty percent of the membership.
  • Applications will have to be approved by the authority as a whole (this cannot be delegated) prior to submission to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.
  • There must be clear evidence that the post/posts have additional responsibility demonstrated by a description of the role, function and duration.
  • Each application will have to indicate the timing for a formal review of the role to be considered by the authority as a whole.

2.6 For Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council the current permitted number of senior salary holders is 18, excluding the positions of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

2.7  A Member of the Authority in receipt of a Senior Salary cannot receive a salary from any National Park Authority (NPA) or Fire and Rescue Authority (FRA) for which he/she has been nominated.

2.8 Where the term of Senior Salary or Civic Salary of a Member begins or ends other than at the beginning or end of a year, his/her entitlement to the Salary will be pro-rata.

2.9 Where joint arrangements exist, the Senior Salary (if paid) of the Chair, will be paid by the Chair’s own Authority (but can be apportioned amongst the participating authorities) but is not included in that Council’s maximum number of Senior Salaries.

2.10 The Leader of the largest opposition group will be paid a Senior Salary subject to the political group comprising 10% or more of the Council membership. A Senior Salary will be paid to the next largest political group leader again subject to their membership comprising 10% of the Council’s political composition.

2.11 It is up to the Council to decide, within the limited discretion given to it by the IRPW about Committee Chairs, which roles attract the senior salary.

Specific or Additional Senior Salaries

2.12 As a qualifying Principal Council, the authority can apply to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales for specific or additional senior salaries that do not fall within the current remuneration framework, or which could not be accommodated within the maximum number of senior salaries relating to the authority. If the proposed addition is approved and results in the council exceeding its cap, this will be included in the approval. 

3. Election to Forgo Entitlement to Allowance

3.1 A Member may, by notice in writing delivered to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services of the authority, personally elect to forgo any part of his/her entitlement to any salary, allowance or fee payable under this Scheme from the date set out in the notice. Members that wish to forego any entitlement must provide notice in writing in each civic year of the elements they wish to forego.

4. Suspension of a Member

4.1 Where a Member of the Authority is suspended or partially suspended from his or her responsibilities or duties as a Member of the Authority in accordance with Part III of the Local Government Act 2000 (Conduct of Members), or regulations made under the Act, the part of the Basic Salary payable to him/her in respect of that period for which he or she is suspended will be withheld by the Authority (Section 155 (1) of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011).

4.2 Where a Member in receipt of a Senior Salary is suspended or partially suspended from being a Member of the Authority in accordance with Part III of the Local Government Act 2000 (Conduct of Members), or regulations made under the Act, the Authority must not make payments of the Member’s Senior Salary for the duration of the suspension (Section 155 (1) of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011). If the partial suspension relates only to the specific responsibility element of the payment, the member may retain the Basic Salary.

5. Payments

5.1 Payments of all allowances will be made by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services by direct bank credit in instalments of one-twelfth of the Member’s annual entitlement on the 28th day of each month (subject to bank holidays and weekend adjustments).

5.2 Where payment has resulted in a Member receiving more than his/her entitlement to salaries, allowances or fees the Authority will require that such part that is overpayment be repaid.

5.3 All payments are subject to the appropriate Tax, National Insurance deductions and Pension contributions.

6. Reimbursement of Costs of Care

6.1 A Cost of Care Allowance shall be paid to a Member or Co-opted Member, who has caring responsibility for dependent children, adults or for personal assistance needs, provided the Member incurs expenses in the provision of such care whilst undertaking ‘approved’ council duties. Reimbursement of necessary expenses for the care of dependent children and adults will be paid as follows:

  • Formal (registered with Care Inspectorate Wales) care costs to be paid as evidenced.
  • Informal (unregistered) care costs to be paid up to a maximum rate equivalent to the Real UK Living Wage at the time the costs are incurred. For clarification, care costs cannot be paid to someone who is a part of a member’s household

Reimbursements shall only be made on production of receipts from the carer.

6.2     The Care Allowance shall not be paid:-

  • In respect of any child over the age of 15, but may be payable to a Member seeking to claim such an allowance for a child of fifteen years or more or a dependent where the Member satisfies the Council that the child or dependent required supervision which has caused the member to incur expenses that were necessary in respect of the care of that child or dependent in the carrying out of that Member’s duties as a Member; or
  • To more than one Member of the Authority in relation to the care of the same child or dependent; or
  • not more than one Cost of Care Allowance shall be paid to any Member of the authority who is unable to demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Finance and Corporate Services that the Member has to make separate arrangements for the care of different children or dependents.

6.3 All claims for costs of care should be made in writing to the Head of Democratic Services detailing times, dates and reasons for claim. Receipts are required for both informal and formal care arrangements.

7. Family Absence

7.1 Members are entitled under the provisions of the Family Absence for Members of Local Authorities (Wales) Regulations 2013, to a period of family absence, during which if they satisfy the prescribed conditions (excluding absences for reasons of ill-health) they are entitled to be absent from authority meetings.

7.2 When taking family absence in cases of maternity, newborn, adoption and parental absences from official business, Members are entitled to retain a basic salary irrespective of their attendance record immediately preceding the commencement of the family absence. Members must inform the Head of Democratic Services of such absences.

7.3 Should a senior salary holder be eligible for family absence they will be able to continue to receive their senior salary for the duration of the absence.

7.4 If the authority agrees that it is necessary to make a substitute appointment to cover the family absence of a senior salary holder the Member substituting will be eligible if the authority so decides to be paid a senior salary. The Council must advise the IRPW within 14 days of the decision if a decision is so made and the Schedule must be amended to reflect the implications of the family absence.

7.5 If the paid substitution results in the authority exceeding its maximum number of senior salaries, an addition to the maximum will be allowed for the duration of the substitution.

7.6 In relation to a period of family absence, the salary (both Member and Co-opted Member) or Senior salary remains payable but not if the Member or Co-opted Member is suspended.

8. Sickness Absence for Senior Salary Holders

8.1 Long terms sickness absence for senior salary holders is defined as certified absences in excess of four weeks.

8.2 The maximum length of sickness absence within these proposals is 26 weeks or until the individual’s term of office ends, whichever is sooner (but if reappointed any remaining balance of the 26 weeks will be included).

8.3 Within these parameters a senior salary holder on long term sickness can, if the authority decides continue to receive remuneration for the post held.

8.4 It is a decision of the authority whether to make a substitute appointment but the substitute will be eligible to be paid to the senior salary holder appropriate to the post.

8.5 If the paid substitution results in the authority exceeding the maximum number of senior salaries payable, an addition will be allowed for the duration of the substitution. This would not apply in respect of a council executive member if it would result in the cabinet exceeding 10 posts.

8.6 When an authority agrees a paid substitution the Panel must be informed within 14 days of the decision of the details including the specific post and the estimated length of the substitution. The authority’s Schedule of Remuneration must also be amended accordingly.

8.7 These provisions do not apply to elected members of principal councils who are not senior post holders as they continue to receive basic salary for at least six months irrespective of attendance and any extension beyond this timescale is a matter for the authority. In addition, these provisions do not apply to co-opted members.

9. Co-optees Payments

9.1 A Co-opted Member’s daily fee (with a provision for half day payments) shall be paid to Co-optees, provided they are statutory Co-optees with voting rights.

9.2 Payments will take into consideration travelling time to and from the place of the meeting, reasonable time for pre meeting preparation and length of meeting (up to the maximum of the daily rate).

9.3 The Head of Democratic Services is designated as the “appropriate officer” and will determine preparation time, travelling time and length of meeting, the fee will be paid on the basis of this determination.

9.4 The Head of Democratic Services can determine in advance whether a meeting is programmed for a full day and the fee will be paid on the basis of this determination even if the meeting finishes before four hours has elapsed.

9.5 A half day meeting is defined as up to 4 hours.

9.6 A full day meeting is defined as over 4 hours

9.7 The daily and half day fee for the Chairpersons of the Standards Committee and Audit Committee, as determined by the Independent Remuneration Panel, is set out in Schedule 4.

9.8 The daily and half day fee for other statutory Co-optees with voting rights, as determined by the Independent Remuneration Panel, is set out in Schedule 4.

9.9 The maximum number of days Co-opted Members may be paid for is determined by the Authority and payment can be made for meetings, seminars, training events and briefings with officers. The Council has determined that a payment will be made for all approved meetings, seminars, training events and briefings with officers.

10. Travel and Subsistence Allowances

10.1 General Principles

10.2 Members and Co-opted Members may claim travelling expenses when travelling on the Authority’s business for ‘approved duties’ as set out in Schedule 1. Where Members travel on the Authority’s business they are expected to travel by the most cost effective means.  In assessing cost effectiveness regard will be given to journey time. A Member who does not travel by the most cost effective means may have his/her claim abated by an appropriate amount. 

10.3 Where possible Members should share transport. 

10.4 The distance claimed for mileage should be the shortest reasonable journey by road from the point of departure to the point at which the duty is performed, and similarly from the duty point to the place of return.

10.5 The rates of Members’ Travel and Subsistence Allowances are set out in Schedule 2 and are subject to annual review by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.

10.6 Where a Member is suspended or partially suspended from his or her responsibilities or duties as a Member of the Authority in accordance with Part III of the Local Government Act 2000 (Conduct of Members), or regulations made under the Act, any travel and subsistence allowances payable to him/her in respect of that period for which he or she is suspended or partially suspended must be withheld by the Authority.

11. Travel by Private Vehicle

11.1 The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales has determined that the maximum travel rates payable should be the rates set out by His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs for the use of private cars, motor cycles and bicycles plus any passenger supplement.

11.2 The mileage rates for private vehicles as determined by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales are set out in Schedule 2.

11.3 Where a Member makes use of his/her private vehicle for approved duty purposes, the vehicle must be insured for business use.  Proof of appropriate insurance must be provided to the Authority on request.

12. Travel by Public Transport

12.1 Rail/Coach Travel

12.2 Unless otherwise authorised rail tickets will be second-class, and Members should always be mindful of choosing the most cost-effective method of travel.

12.3 If the relevant journey has been approved, Democratic Services will purchase requisite rail and coach tickets for Members in advance of journeys.  In the unlikely event that a Member needs to purchase a ticket directly, payment will be reimbursed upon production of the used ticket and/or a receipt.

12.4 Taxi Fares

Taxi fares will only be reimbursed where their use has been authorised for cases of urgency, where no public transport is reasonably available, or a Member has a particular personal need. Re-imbursement will be upon receipt only.

12.5 Air Fare

Travel by air is permissible if it is the most cost effective means of transport.  Authorisation of the Director of Finance and Corporate Services is required and tickets will be purchased by Democratic Services.

13. Travel Abroad

Travel abroad on the Authority’s business will only be permitted where authorised by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services, Democratic Services will arrange travel and accommodation. 

14. Other Travel Expenses

Members will be entitled to reimbursement of toll fees, parking fees, overnight garaging and other necessary travel associated expenses. Re-imbursement will be upon receipt only.

15. Overnight Accommodation

15.1 Overnight stays will only be permitted where the Authority’s business extends to two days or more, or the venue is at such a distance that early morning or late night travel would be unreasonable.  All overnight stays must receive prior authorisation from the Director of Finance and Corporate Services.

15.2 Overnight accommodation will be booked by a Democratic Services Officer. Wherever possible the overnight accommodation will be pre-paid or invoiced. 

15.3 Direct booking of overnight accommodation by a Member will only be permitted in the event of an emergency. Reimbursement will only be made upon the production of a receipt and will be at a level deemed reasonable and not in excess of the rates set out in Schedule 2.

16. Subsistence Allowance

16.1  The day subsistence rate to meet the costs of meals and refreshments in connection with approved duties (including breakfast when not provided as part of overnight accommodation) is set out in Schedule 2. The maximum daily rate covers a 24 hour period and can be claimed for any meal that is relevant, providing such a claim is supported by receipt(s)

16.2 No provision is made for subsistence claims within the County Borough.

17. Support Scheme

17.1 In addition to the salary, the Council operates a Support Scheme for elected Members. The Council will pay a flat rate support allowance of £200 per annum in respect of telephone, broadband and other office costs. This sum will not apply to Cabinet Members as they have the use of combined mobile phones and hand held devices, together with the use of office facilities based at Port Talbot Civic Centre.

18. Annual Reports

18.1 Members have the opportunity to produce an Annual Report in line with the approved Council Scheme. Support will be provided to Members who wish to produce such reports including making available the facility to publish reports on the Council Website.

19. Claims and Payments

19.1 All claims must be submitted to the Exchequer Section of the Directorate of Finance and Corporate Services by the 8th of the month. Claims over 90 days old will not be paid unless there are extenuating circumstances justifying the late claim, which must be approved by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services.

19.2 Allowances will be paid by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services by direct bank credit on the 28th day of each month (subject to bank holidays and weekend adjustments).

19.3 Where a payment of an instalment would result in a Member receiving more than his/her entitlement due to changes in the Regulations or to such other relevant circumstances, the payment shall be reduced accordingly.         

19.4 Payment of salary and other allowances under this Scheme will be made to Members through the Council’s payroll system. There will be no provision for Members to be paid through the Cashiers Service.

20. Pensions

20.1 The Authority shall enable its Members who are eligible to join the Local Government Pension scheme as administered by the City & County of Swansea Council. Both Basic and Senior Salaries are eligible amounts for pensionable pay.

21. Compliance

21.1 In accordance with the Regulations, the Authority must comply with the requirements of the Panel in respect of the monitoring and publication of payments made to members and co-opted members as set out in Schedule 3.

22. Other

22.1 A workforce agreement was approved by Trade Unions and staff in 2013 which concluded on 31 March 2018.

22.2 Members are reminded that expense claims are subject to both internal and external audit.

Schedule 1

Approved duties for travel and subsistence

  • attendance at a meeting of the Authority or of any committee of the Authority or of any body to which the Authority makes appointments or nominations or of any committee of such a body;
  • attendance at a meeting of any association of authorities of which the Authority is a member;
  • attendance at any other meeting the holding of which is authorised by the Authority or by a committee of the Authority or by a joint committee of the Authority and one or more other Authorities;
  • a duty undertaken for the purpose of or in connection with the discharge of the functions of Cabinet;
  • a duty undertaken in pursuance of a standing order which requires a Member or Members to be present when tender documents are opened;
  • a duty undertaken in connection with the discharge of any function of the Authority which empowers or requires the Authority to inspect or authorise the inspection of premises;
  • attendance at any training or developmental event approved by the Authority or its Cabinet;
  • Any other duty approved by the authority, or any other duty of a class so approved, undertaken for the purpose of, or in connection with, the discharge of the functions of the authority or any of its committees, including attendance by Members at the request of a Corporate Director (or in his/her absence one of the Heads of Service) in connection with the functions of the Council or the Executive, and including attendance at Conferences, Seminars and Courses as an authorised representative of the Council.
  • ‘Attendance’ need not necessarily be at any of the Council’s offices, for example an invitation to attend a day or evening meeting, forum, function, seminar etc. in connection with the function of the Council and at which a Corporate Director or Head of Service considers the Council should be represented are acceptable.

Schedule 2 

Mileage Rates

All sizes of private motor vehicle

  • Up to 10,000 miles - 45 pence per mile
  • Over 10,000 miles 25 pence per mile

Private motorcycles

  • 24 pence per mile


  • 20 pence per mile

Passenger supplement

  • 5 pence per mile

For outward journeys in excess of 100 miles, members are required to ensure that the most economical form of transport is used.

For journeys outside Neath Port Talbot, Swansea and Bridgend only one mileage claim will be paid for up to four Members and/or officers attending the same approved duty unless there are logistical, operational or economic reasons why this is unreasonable in which case specific authorisation of the Director of Finance and Corporate Services will be required.

No provision is made for the payment of travel expense in respect of ‘ward duties’.

All mileage claims should be supported by a fuel VAT receipt.

Subsistence Allowance

The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) does not require local authorities to allocate the maximum daily rate (£28 per day) between different meals, as the maximum daily rate reimbursable covers a 24 hour period and can be claimed for any meal if relevant, provided such a claim is supported by receipts. The Council however decided in its meeting of 24th March 2010 to divide the daily rate for subsistence as follows:-

  • Breakfast - £6.88
  • Lunch - £9.49
  • Tea - £3.73
  • Evening meal - £22.90

Re-imbursement of alcoholic drinks is not permitted.

Subsistence expenses for official business which take place in-county or authority shall not be reimbursed (as is the current arrangement). This does not apply to Co-opted Members or Appointees who live outside the boundary of the Authority.

Overnight Stay

The maximum allowances for an overnight stay are £200 for London per night and £95 for elsewhere, per night.  A payment of £30 per night will be made for an overnight stay with friends or relatives. A payment of £28 per day, will be provided for meals including breakfast, where not provided in the overnight charge.

Alternatively, in certain circumstances e.g. conference hotels or where no suitable accommodation is available, overnight accommodation may be pre-booked and paid for by the Authority in excess of the above limits, subject to reasonableness and approval of the relevant Corporate Director.

Co-optees Allowance

The Co-optees allowance, for those co-opted members with voting rights, will be paid at the rate set out below:

Role Amount
Chair of Standards and Audit Committee​


(4 hours and over)


(up to 4 hours)
Ordinary Members of Standard Committees who also chair Standards Committee for Community and Town Councils


(4 hours and over)


(up to 4 hours)
Ordinary Members of Standards Committees, Education Scrutiny Committee, Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee and Audit Committee.


(4 hours and over)


(up to 4 hours)
Community and Town Councillors sitting on Principal Council Standards Committees


(4 hours and over)


(up to 4 hours)

Payments to Co-optees can be made for reasonable pre-meeting preparation time – including attendance at Committee meetings, seminars, training and meetings with officers.

Meetings of up to four hours are payable at a rate per half day. A full day meeting is defined as over four hours.

There should is local flexibility for the relevant officer to decide when it will be appropriate to apply a day or a half day rate or to use an hourly rate where it is sensible to aggregate a number of short meetings.

Schedule 3


  • The authority will arrange for the publication on the council’s website the total sum paid by it to each member and co-opted member in respect of salary, allowances, fees and reimbursements no later than 30 September following the close of the year to which it relates. A copy must also be sent to the Independent Remuneration Panel by the same deadline. In the interests of transparency this will include remuneration from all public service appointments held by elected members.
  • The authority will publish on the council’s website a statement of the basic responsibility of a councillor and role descriptors for senior salary office holders, which clearly identify the duties expected.
  • The authority will publish on the council’s website the annual schedule of Member Remuneration not later than 31 July of the year to which the schedule refers. 
  • The authority will send a copy of the schedule to the Independent Remuneration Panel not later that 31 July of the year to which the schedule refers.
  • The authority will maintain records of member/co-opted members attendance at meetings of council, cabinet and committees and other approved duties for which a member/co-opted member submits a claim for reimbursement.
  • The authority will arrange for the publication on the council’s website of annual reports prepared by members. 
  • When the authority agrees a paid substitution for family absence it will notify the Independent Remuneration Panel within 14 days of the date of the decision of the details including the particular post and the duration of the substitution.

Schedule 4

Basic salary and senior salaries payable to Members of principal Councils 2024/25

This schedule takes effect from 1 April, 2024 to 31 March, 2025

Basic salary (payable to all elected members) £18,666

Group A Group B Group C
  • Cardiff
  • Rhondda Cynon Taf
  • Swansea
  • Bridgend
  • Caerphilly
  • Carmarthenshire
  • Conwy
  • Flintshire
  • Gwynedd
  • Newport
  • Neath Port Talbot
  • Pembrokeshire
  • Powys
  • Vale of Glamorgan
  • Wrexham
  • Blaenau Gwent
  • Ceredigion
  • Denbighshire
  • Merthyr Tydfil
  • Monmouthshire
  • Torfaen
  • Isle of Anglesey

Senior salaries (inclusive of basic salary)

Band 1

Group A

Group B Group C



£62,998 £59,498

Deputy Leader


£44,099 £41,649

Band 2

Group A

Group B Group C

Executive members


£37,799 £35,699

Band 3
Committee chairs (if remunerated): Level 1 - £27,999

Band 4
Leader of largest opposition group - £27,999

Band 5
Leader of other political groups - £22,406

Fees for co-opted members (with voting rights) of local authorities

Role Amount
Chair of Standards and Audit Committee​


(4 hours and over)


(up to 4 hours)
Ordinary Members of Standard Committees who also chair Standards Committee for Community and Town Councils


(4 hours and over)


(up to 4 hours)
Ordinary Members of Standards Committees, Education Scrutiny Committee, Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee and Audit Committee.


(4 hours and over)


(up to 4 hours)
Community and Town Councillors sitting on Principal Council Standards Committees


(4 hours and over)


(up to 4 hours)

Civic salaries (where paid) shall be payable as follows to Members of principal Councils:

Remuneration of Civic Leaders and Deputy Civic Leaders

  • Civic Leaders - £27,999
  • Deputy Civic Leaders - £22,406

Schedule 5

Schedule of Remuneration 2024-2025

Effective from 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025

Annual basic salary - £18,666

The following named elected members of the authority are entitled to basic salary:

  • Cllr A Aubrey
  • Cllr T Bowen
  • Cllr W Carpenter
  • Cllr H C Clarke
  • Cllr C Clement Williams
  • Cllr M Crowley
  • Cllr A Dacey
  • Cllr H Davies (Hayley)
  • Cllr H Davies (Heath)
  • Cllr O Davies
  • Cllr R Davies
  • Cllr S Freeguard
  • Cllr N Goldup-John
  • Cllr S Grimshaw
  • Cllr M Harvey
  • Cllr L Heard
  • Cllr J Henton
  • Cllr C James (Cathy)
  • Cllr J Jones
  • Cllr L Jones
  • Cllr C Jordan
  • Cllr D Keogh
  • Cllr T Latham
  • Cllr C Lewis
  • Cllr D Lewis (Suspended 9th July-8th November)
  • Cllr A Lockyer
  • Cllr A Lodwig
  • Cllr R Mizen
  • Cllr K Morris
  • Cllr S Paddison
  • Cllr M Peters
  • Cllr P Rees
  • Cllr S Renkes
  • Cllr S Reynolds
  • Cllr G Rice
  • Cllr P Richards
  • Cllr M Spooner
  • Cllr D Thomas
  • Cllr S Thomas
  • Cllr D Whitelock
  • Cllr L Williams
  • Cllr R Wood
  • Cllr B Woolford

All Members are eligible to receive care allowance. 

  • Formal (registered with Care Inspectorate Wales) care costs to be paid as evidenced.
  • Informal (unregistered) care costs to be paid up to a maximum rate equivalent to the Real UK Living Wage at the time the costs are incurred

Senior Salaries Entitlements (includes basic salary)

Role Councillor Annual Senior Salary
Leader and Cabinet Member Community and Strategic Leadership Cllr S Hunt £62,998
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member- Housing and Community Safety Cllr A Llewellyn £44,099
Cabinet Member – Finance, Performance and Social Justice Cllr S Knoyle £37,799
Cabinet Member – Education and Early Years Cllr Nia Jenkins £37,799
Cabinet Member – Nature, Tourism and Well-being Cllr C Phillips £37,799
Cabinet Member – Climate Change and Economic Growth Cllr J Hurley £37,799
Cabinet Member – Children and Family Services Cllr S Harris £37,799
Cabinet Member – Adult Social Services and Health Cllr J Hale £37,799
Cabinet Member – Strategic Planning, Transport and Connectivity Cllr W Fryer Griffiths £37,799
Cabinet Member- Street-scene Cllr S Jones £37,799

Chair – Social Services, Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny

Cllr C Galsworthy £27,999
Chair – Education, Skills and Wellbeing Scrutiny Cllr R Phillips £27,999
Chair – Environment, Regeneration and Street-scene Services Scrutiny Cllr S Pursey £27,999
Chair – Planning Cllr J Jones £27,999
Chair- Registration and Licensing Cllr A Richards £27,999
Chair – Democratic Services Cllr S Rahaman £27,999
Leader of the Largest Opposition Group Cllr R Jones £27,999

A maximum of 18 senior salaries for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council may be paid.

Entitlement to Civic Salaries

Role Councillor Annual Civic Salary
Civic Head (Mayor) Cllr M Crowley £27,999
Deputy Civic Head (Deputy Mayor) Cllr W Carpenter £22,406

Entitlement as Statutory Co-optees

Role Member Amount of Co-optees Allowance
Chair – Standards Committee L Fleet £268 Daily Fee / £134 ½ Day Fee
Vice Chair – Standards Committee T Ward £210 Daily Fee / £105 ½ Day Fee
Chair- Governance & Audit Committee J Jenkins £268 Daily Fee / £134 ½ Day Fee
Independent Member – Standards Committee D Lewis £210 Daily Fee / £105 ½ Day Fee
Independent Member – Standards Committee A Davies £210 Daily Fee / £105 ½ Day Fee
Community Council Member – Standards Committee C Edwards £210 Daily Fee / £105 ½ Day Fee
Voting Lay Members – Governance & Audit Committee A Bagley, M Owen, 1 vacancy £210 Daily Fee / £105 ½ Day Fee
Co-opted Voting Members – Education, Skills and Wellbeing Committee A Amor, M Caddick, L Newman £210 Daily Fee / £105 ½ Day Fee

The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales in their 24/25 Annual Report found there should be local flexibility for the relevant officer to decide when it will be appropriate to apply a day or a half day rate or to use an hourly rate where it is sensible to aggregate a number of short meetings for co-opted members.