Entertainment licensing
Premises that provide "regulated entertainment" require a premises / club premises certificate. Regulated entertainment takes place if it is in the presence of an audience and provided for the purpose, or for purposes which include entertaining that audience.
Regulated entertainment includes:
- the performance of a play
- the exhibition of a film
- an indoor sporting event
- boxing or wrestling entertainment
- the performance of live music
- the playing of recorded music
- the performance of dance
- any entertainment of similar description the that falling within the performance of live music, the playing of recorded music and the performance of dance
There are a number of exemptions for the requirement to have a licence for the above entertainment and there has also been a significant amount of deregulation.
We recommend therefore that you read the further information and guidance on how to apply available on the Department of Culture Media and Sport.
Late Night Refreshment
Premises that provide "late night refreshment” require a premises licence.
Late night refreshment is the sale of hot food or drink to the public to consume (on or off the premises) between 11pm and 5am.
Further information and guidance on how to apply is available on the Home Office Website.