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Disposable nappy and incontinence waste collections

Why we are introducing this scheme

Wales has the highest recycling rate in the UK however, if we are to achieve the Welsh Government’s challenging statutory recycling targets – and avoid fines – we need to recycle even more.

The Welsh Government has asked all Welsh Councils to collect nappies and collate tonnage information in their areas. This is with the long-term ambition of having a dedicated All Wales reprocessing facility as part of creating a circular economy. In the interim period the nappies may be sent to waste-to-energy facilities if existing UK facilities can’t take them.

The scheme will be introduced to encourage our residents to participate in the service and for the council to establish how much tonnage we can collect. Our residents will no longer be able to apply for Side Waste Exemption stickers for nappies and Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP).

You will be provided with rolls of 52 purple bags that should be used for this type of waste instead. Additional rolls can be ordered as and when required.

All resident feedback is gratefully received. Any comments on the scheme can be sent to to be considered as part of the outcome of the trial.

E Stickers

We are not stopping the use of E Stickers. The Council will continue its Side Waste Exemption scheme for other non-recyclable waste provided households are recycling all they can.

Residents can continue to use their E stickers until they have received their purple bags.

If you receive exemptions for items other than nappies e.g. pet waste, you can re-apply for E stickers once your 12 months has expired.


You are eligible for collections if your household has any of the following items to dispose of:

Do include
  • Disposable nappies including nappy bags and wipes
  • Adult incontinence pads
  • Absorbent bed sheets
  • Disposable aprons
  • Colostomy/stoma bags and catheters
  • Plastic gloves

If you are a registered childminder/nursery then your collections will come under our Trade Waste Service

Items we won't collect

The following items are not collected as part of the scheme. These should continue to be placed in your black bin/bags.

Do not include
  • Feminine hygiene products (e.g. sanitary towels, liners and tampons) 
  • Pet litter/waste 
  • Puppy pads
Any purple bags containing these items will not be collected. Any purple bags containing these items will not be collected.

How collection works

Collections are carried out on a fortnightly basis (the same day as your black bin/black bag collections). By using purple bags instead of bins our pilot is integrated with our fortnightly refuse collections. This provides a very low cost additional service, as opposed to having more vehicles and more crews

Your purple AHP bag can be presented next to your black bin/bags. The purple bags, used correctly, contain recyclable material and therefore do not count towards the Council’s one bin/three black bag limit. There is no limit to the number of purple bags you can present for collection provided the bags do not contain any other waste items. 

As part of our trial we have two special collection lorries. Your purple bags may be collected by your normal refuse collection lorry if the trial vehicle is not in your area.

If you have an assisted collection for waste and recycling you will automatically receive an assisted collection for AHP.

Storage bins

We have introduced small bins for the storage of the purple bags in between collections. These will make accessing bags easier whereby bags can be left untied until bin is full. 

These bins will be blue in colour and are for storage purposes only. We will not collect from these storage bins, so please only present your purple bags for collection.

The bins are free to residents who are participating in the Nappy and AHP Collection scheme and are to be used for nappies and AHP waste only. Any reported abuse of the scheme will result in removal of the bin.

Any household found to be using the purple bags for general waste will be visited by one of our Side Waste Enforcement Officers and this could result in the household being removed from the collection service for AHP. Any household found to be using the purple bags for general waste will be visited by one of our Side Waste Enforcement Officers and this could result in the household being removed from the collection service for AHP.

Order bags

PLEASE NOTE: If you currently receive the Council’s weekly hygiene collection service there will be no change to your service and you do not need to order purple bags.