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Major development advice

Mandatory Pre-Application Consultation (s17 Planning (Wales) Act 2015)

For all applications for ‘major’ development submitted after 1st August 2016, there is a statutory requirement for the applicant / developer to consult the community and relevant statutory consultees, and to submit a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) Report with any application.

Detailed advice can be found on the Welsh Government website.

Engaging in pre-application discussions with the Council

The Planning Department does not get involved in the above “pre-application consultation” but encourages prospective applicants to engage in pre-application discussions with the Planning department in advance of such community consultation. Should you wish to gain formal pre-application advice from the Planning Department, please visit our pre-application pages which details the services we offer and applicable charges see Pre-application Enquiries.

Notification of intention to commence major development

For all major developments approved after 16th March 2016, there is now a statutory requirement to notify the Council of the intention to commence work, and to display a Site Notice.

To assist, the following forms can be downloaded to assist you:

Notice of intention to commence major development

  • Notice of Development Commencing (to be sent to Planning Dept) (DOCX 19 KB)
  • Example of Site Notice (to be displayed on site whilst development takes place) (DOCX 17 KB)

Detailed guidance of the above Development Management Procedures, can be found on the WG site:

Post submission amendments

From the 16 March any applicant who has submitted a major planning application, who wishes to amend their proposal, will be required to pay a fee of £190 when they submit an amendment.

Regulation 5 of The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications and Site Visits) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 inserts regulation 16(A) [Fees for post submission amendments to major development applications] into the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications and Site Visits) (Wales) Regulations 2015 to require the payment of a fee of £190