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Dropping litter is a criminal offence. You can receive a £100 fixed penalty notice (FPN) for littering and up to £400 for waste offences.

Litter can be anything dropped or thrown. It includes things like:

  • cigarette butts
  • food
  • drinks
  • chewing gum

You can help keep our streets clean by:

  • using the on-street litter bins
  • using built-in ashtrays on litter bins to dispose of smoking-related litter
  • using on-street recycling bins for waste such as newspapers, magazines and coffee cups
  • putting your waste and recycling outside on the morning of your collection day 

Report littering

You can report littering using our online form.

Problem with a litter, dog foul or grit bin

Use our interactive map to report a problem with a litter, dog foul or grit bin.