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Highway Technical Design Guide

The Highways Technical Design Guide has been set up in accordance with All Wales Common Standards together with setting out the parameters and standards expected to be incorporated into the design of new developments, in the interest of highway safety. The Authority encourages innovative design and will consider a flexible approach, providing it is justified and that highway safety is not compromised, as determined by the Authority’s highway engineers. All aspects of design should be discussed with the Council at the earliest opportunity. 

The majority of new developments will require planning permission to be obtained from the Planning Section. As part of this process the Head of Transport and Engineering will be formally consulted for Highway and Land Drainage observations upon the proposals.

The SAB & Highway Development Control Manager is responsible for co-ordinating these responses as well as the adoption of new roads and alterations to existing highways.

Advice is willingly given at any stage of the development process and it is often the case that consultation prior to the formal submission of a planning application can lead to savings of time and help to avoid abortive works or misunderstandings.

This document and guidance shall be interpreted alongside the following documents:

  1. Planning Policy Wales – Edition 11
  2. Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 and accompanying guidance
  3. SuDS legislation and accompanying guidance
  4. Emerging Pavement Parking Legislation
  5. Emerging 20 mph legislation
  6. Manual for Streets
  7. Llwybr Newydd: The Wales Transport Strategy


  • 1 - Front cover and foreword (DOCX 380 KB)
  • 1A - Introduction (DOCX 1.20 MB)
  • 2 - Section A - Residential (DOCX 195 KB)
  • 3 - Section B - Industrial and commercial (DOCX 34 KB)
  • 4 - Section C - Street lighting (DOCX 32 KB)
  • 5 - Section D - Commuted sums (DOCX 140 KB)
  • 6 - Section E - Guidance notes for developers (DOCX 58 KB)
  • 7 - Section F - Standard details (DOCX 22 KB)
  • 8 - Appendix A - Section 38 agreement (DOC 72 KB)
  • 9 - Appendix B - Section 278 agreement (DOC 136 KB)
  • 10 - Appendix C - Indemnity form (DOCX 30 KB)
  • 11 - Appendix D - Pre-commencement agenda (DOCX 20 KB)
  • 12 - Appendix E - Temporary traffic order (DOCX 43 KB)
  • 13 - Appendix F - Deed of easement (DOCX 41 KB)
  • 14 - Appendix G - Street lighting contact details (DOCX 18 KB)
  • 15 - Appendix H - Standard specification (DOCX 230 KB)