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Social Services complaints

Neath Port Talbot Social Services aim to provide the best possible service to you. To do that, we need to know your views. You have the right to complain if you feel you have not been provided with a good service. You can also complain if you have been refused a service, or if you are a carer.

How do I complain

Start by talking to the member of staff you normally deal with, or to their manager. Most complaints can be settled quite simply that way.

What if this doesn't solve the problem

If you're not satisfied with the answer you get, you can make a complaint.

You can:-

  • write to our Complaints Officer, Social Services and Housing, Civic Centre, Neath SA11 3QZ
  • email the complaints team at
  • complete the Comments, Compliments and Complaints form below
  • or telephone the complaints team on 01639 763445

The Complaints Officer will help you to resolve your complaint and advise you of the complaints procedure.

What if I'm still not happy

You are able to contact the Public Service Ombudsman who can also deal with your complaint:

Public Services Ombudsman For Wales
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae Pencoed Bridgend CF35 5LJ pref
(0300) 7900203 (0300) 7900203 voice +443007900203
(01656) 641199 fax +441656641199
  • Do not be afraid to let us know your concerns. Making a complaint will not affect your rights
  • At any stage, you can get a friend, relative or advocate to help you or speak for you, if you wish
  • We can give you help with putting your complaint in writing.
  • You can complain on someone else's behalf
  • If you want to complain about any other service run by the Council, we can advise you how to do this. You can also ask at any Council office
  • We're not just interested in complaints. If you have a comment or compliment about how we run our services, or how we could run them better, please let us know

Social Services complaints line

Social Services complaints line
(01639) 763445 (01639) 763445 voice +441639763445


  • Comments, compliments and complaints form (DOCX 22 KB)

Also available in large print, braille and on tape.