Help for disabled voters
We aim to make all polling stations accessible to disabled voters, for example:
- we provide ramps where needed
- the Presiding Officer is available to help you
- a polling booth adapted for wheelchair users
- a friend or relative can be with you if you need help
- there are chairs for people who cannot stand for long periods
Polling station staff can also provide aids to help blind or partially sighted voters:
- pencil grips
- large magnifiers
- tactile voting device
- large print versions of ballot paper(s)
- coloured acetate overlay sheet for visual stress relief
Postal or proxy voting forms
Voters with a disability can have a permanent proxy vote. This is where you nominate someone to vote on your behalf at the polling station.
Visit the Electoral Commission website for guidance and application forms for:
You can also contact Electoral Services.
Information for disabled voters
Read more about voting rights for disabled electors to find out:
- what voting is
- why it is so important
- how you can vote
Mencap has created guides to help people with a learning disability understand:
- new rules on photo ID
- registering to vote
- why your vote matters
- your rights
- how to vote in elections
GOV.UK has information for people with a learning disability and their support workers.
Voting passport
A voting passport is an A4 sheet of paper to hand to polling staff so they easily can understand the reasonable adjustments needed to enable the person to vote.
Everybody with a learning disability also has the right to vote. As long as you can communicate who you wish to vote for, somebody can complete the ballot paper for you.
For more information or to request a voting passport please contact Electoral Services.