The budget 2024-25 explained
Setting the budget is a complex process where the council puts together its plans to fund the essential services it provides across the year ahead.
By law, the council needs to set a balanced budget. This means we can’t spend more money than the resources we have available.
The council’s funding comes from two main sources:
- Welsh Government grants
- Council Tax
The council’s overarching aims in this year’s budget-setting process have been:
- to protect services and jobs and to limit the impact on Council Tax levels
- to respond to what our communities told us matters through the Let’s Keep Talking engagement campaign and our Budget consultation, as far as possible given the limited money available
Your feedback
Since last summer, we have received feedback from more than 2,500 people through:
- our Let’s Keep Talking engagement campaign early in the budget-setting process
- people responding to our public consultations in the run-up to setting the final budget
We have listened closely to people’s views. While we can’t afford to do everything, we have made several amendments to the budget proposals which were agreed at Cabinet and Council on 6th and 7th March 2024.
You can read the full budget report at It includes:
- the list of savings and income generation proposals
- a summary of consultation responses
- a list of inflation assumptions
- the detailed budget