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Corporate plan 2022-2027

‘Recover, Reset, Renew’ has been informed by the views of people living and working in the county borough from the very earliest stages. The final plan, approved at Cabinet on 28 February 2022, is the result of six months of engagement and consultation to ensure that it is a collaboration between the council, partners, businesses, residents and visitors to the county borough.

The Corporate plan covers the period 2022 to 2027 and sets out how the council will approach recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic in the short, medium and longer term. 

It summarises the context in which it has been developed and sets out the council’s strategic change programme for the next five years which has four well-being objectives:

  • All children get the best start in life.
  • All communities are thriving and sustainable.
  • Our local environment, culture and heritage can be enjoyed by future generations.
  • Local people are skilled and access high quality, green jobs.


  • Recover, Reset, Renew - Corporate Plan 2022-2027 (PDF 1.05 MB)
  • Recover, Reset, Renew - Corporate Plan 2022-2027 - Plan on a page (PDF 21.82 MB)
  • Strategic Change Programme 2023-2024 (PDF 4.25 MB)