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Living standards - to work to reduce poverty and support independent living

Priority 6.1 People and communities will benefit from interventions to alleviate poverty


We will develop an action plan to address the issues for those with low net disposable income.

Progress 2020-2021

  • The action plan was in the early stages of development during this period. However, work had taken place throughout the year to address issues faced by those with low net disposable income. For example, we awarded the remaining EU transition funding we had received from the Welsh Government to a number of local organisations supporting those facing food poverty.  The money was used to:
    • buy a cooker for a community kitchen
    • buy laptops and tablets for volunteers so they can support vulnerable residents to shop online
    • Food hampers for those moving on from the night shelter
  • A regional (Swansea Bay) Pension Credit campaign was launched to ensure those eligible for Pension Credit support were accessing the funding.


We will embrace the new socio economic duty

Progress 2020-2021

  • We have amended our Integrated Impact Assessment framework to include the requirements of the socio economic duty, which commenced in April 2021. Awareness training was provided to all Senior Management Teams and Members to help ensure we address and fulfil the requirement of the duty for all strategic decisions.


We will ensure those families entitled to free school meals continue to receive support throughout the school holidays in line with Welsh Government guidelines. 

Progress 2020-2021

  • £1,197,850 was paid to eligible parents during January – March 2021 with £3.9 million in payments since the first lockdown (up to 31.03.21).
  • Free school meal (FSM) payments have been and will continue to be paid throughout school holidays.
  • Food parcels were provided for FSM pupils to those families who were not able to receive direct payments.
  • As at 31 March 2021 there were 5747 pupils entitled to free school meals (FSM); of these, 5178 were FSM eligible and 569 were FSM protected
  • FSM protected pupils are those who have lost their FSM eligibility since April 2019 but remain eligible even though their families may now have an income exceeding that eligible for a free meal if they were applying for the first time now. FSM protection ceases in December 2023 although pupils will be protected until they complete the education phase they are in at that time. 


We will work with local organisations and local businesses to explore how to maintain access to appropriate cultural foods during periods of restricted movement/lockdown going forward. 

Progress 2020-2021

  • We continue to promote the Council’s Buy Local campaign aimed at linking shoppers to businesses and business to business activity to support local traders and maintain the supply of goods during restricted periods.

Priority 6.2 People will benefit from programmes and support to live as independently as possible


We will support the Regional Partnership Board to develop and continue to provide a sustainable range of services that meet demand, enabling individuals to remain at home maintaining their independence for as long as possible receiving appropriate support at times of need

Progress 2020-2021

  • We continue to engage with the Regional Partnership Board on development and implementation of the Discharge to Recover and Assess Model, in order to support people to receive the right care in the right place in order to enable them to remain independent at home for as long as possible.


We will continue to help people to learn and interact with others so they can be part of their communities

Progress 2020-2021

The implementation of existing and future pieces of work to realise the equality objectives, along with the implementation of the anticipated Race Equality Action Plan and other relevant activities will all contribute to ensuring our communities will be more cohesive.


We will help support people to live as independent a life as possible 

Progress 2020-2021

  • Our Reablement Service continues to support people to remain as independent as possible within their own homes via a programme of assessment and therapy at home, virtual ward support and at hospital discharge.
  • Opportunities for the use of Technology Enhanced Care, (TEC) with regards to falls prevention, and mental health wellbeing triage are being looked at for inclusion in project plans for delivery later in the year – ARMED falls prevention and CANTAB triage.
  • Further TEC opportunities are being considered for the development of an independent living hub to support young people with learning disabilities to transition into independent living where possible.


We will consider the continuation of the Safe and Well scheme to help support vulnerable members of our communities 

Progress 2020-2021

  • NPT Safe and Well Service was established to respond to the governments’ request that councils mobilise humanitarian assistance for those who were told to shield as well as those told to strictly observe social distancing measures and to limit their contact with other people.
  • While the Safe and Well service remains operational and accessible to vulnerable members of our communities the number of referrals being received has fallen considerably.


We will improve communications with our vulnerable groups through a wide range of formats to better inform and support them to live as full a life as possible during the current coronavirus outbreak 

Progress 2020-2021

  • 2020-2021 has seen considerable limitations on our ‘normal’ lives with lockdowns and firebreaks as well as the daily restrictions faced by us all.
  • Key to our work throughout the period has been our communications team; providing  a 7 days/week service across a range of existing and new channels of communication with new and existing techniques to engage with our residents. The team ensured that public health messages were aggressively promoted across all channels owned/commissioned by the Council; and accurate and timely information was provided about changes to service delivery and the establishment of new services, such as the Safe and Well Service, to support vulnerable people with daily tasks.
  • The Service along with local community groups, local members and volunteers was a lifeline for many. The Buy Local Scheme helped sustain local businesses and also enabled residents, including our most vulnerable, to access necessary provisions.
  • Changes to working practices and service delivery have been a major feature throughout the period, however, we have continued to provide essential services where necessary.
  • The limited face-to-face interaction with more reliance on digital services has been an issue for many, particularly the vulnerable members of our communities. We have been mindful of this and our Digital Ambassador and service areas have worked to ensure that ongoing communication and service delivery continues to meet the needs of our service users.

Priority 6.3 Transport links are maintained or enhanced


We will support community transport initiatives

Progress 2020-2021

  • The pandemic caused continuing issues for the community transport organisations not least the restrictions on the number of passengers that can be carried at any one time (in line with Welsh Government Guidance).
  • Community transport schemes have continued to receive Bus Service Support Grant funding at the same level as they did prior to the Pandemic.


We will lead the regional transport work with the Swansea Bay City Deal

Progress 2020-2021

  • Since this action was agreed the City and County of Swansea has been nominated as the Lead on the Regional Bus Emergency Scheme BES2 for the administration of concessionary fare payments and will work closely with regional partners and bus operators. The South West Wales Regional Transport Forum are working with Welsh Government and Transport for Wales on the development of a strategic bus network. As part of the Corporate Joint Committee arrangements it is proposed a formal subcommittee is constituted to deliver the strategic regional transport arrangements reporting to the Corporate Joint Committee.