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Dealing with emergencies

It's important to be aware of potential emergencies in your area so that you can prepare for them.

These risks apply everywhere, not just locally.

Below are some actions you can take to be better prepared for emergencies.

Before an emergency

  • Attend a first aid course
  • Create a home emergency plan
  • Ensure you have insurance
  • Know how to switch off your utility supplies
  • Know the risks in your area
  • Make a list of emergency contacts
  • Prepare an emergency kit

During an emergency

  • Dial 999 if anyone is in danger, injured or if there is a threat to life
  • Do not put yourself or others in danger
  • Check for injuries to yourself and others, always attend to yourself first
  • Be aware of any vulnerable people who may need your help
  • Be prepared to evacuate and follow instructions
  • Be prepared to go in, stay in and tune into local television and radio

After an emergency

  • Check your house on returning home
  • Contact your insurance company if needed
  • Contact your utility suppliers
  • Speak to your neighbours for updates

Help and support

You will not be on your own. Support will be available from the council and charitable organisations.

In an emergency, tune into your local radio or contact us for help and advice.

If an emergency has affected you or your family we can assist you through:

  • help centres
  • telephone helpline
  • web service

More information will become available after an incident has taken place.