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Doing business with Neath Port Talbot Council

How to find Contract Opportunities

Contract Opportunities are advertised in the following ways:


This is the national procurement website developed by the Welsh Government. Registration on the site is free, and provides access to contract opportunities across the Welsh public sector. There are many benefits to registering with this site, including the ability to set up email alerts that will automatically inform you when suitable contract opportunities are published.

Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)

If European Procurement Thresholds are exceeded, the contract notice will also be advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). Registration on the site is free and provides access to the entire content of the OJEU, including archived information. Email alerts based on your profile can also be activated to inform you of suitable opportunities.

Specialist Journals/ Local Press 

Where appropriate, opportunities will be advertised in one or more specialist trade or professional journals, or in the local press e.g. Western Mail, South Wales Evening Post.

The Advertisement

The Council's advertisement (also known as the 'Contract Notice') will normally specify:

  • The nature, purpose and duration of the contract
  • Whether expressions of interest or tenders are invited
  • Instructions that explain how interested organisations can take part
  • The closing date and time for expressions of interest or tenders

For more details of the tendering process, along with information and guidance on how to tender, visit the page dedicated to The Tendering Process.

Select List for works contractors

We currently maintain select lists to support our construction, highways, property maintenance and housing renewal and adaptation operations.

The select lists contain the names of organisations who meet our minimum standards of health and safety, financial standing and technical competence. Acceptance onto the select lists enables quotations or tenders below the EU Procurement Thresholds to be sought without any further pre-qualification.

To find out more about the select lists, and how to submit an application for inclusion on a list, please contact the select list team, by using the details on the Contact page.

The "How to do Business" Guide

The Council's Corporate Procurement Unit has produced a guide in conjunction with the Business Services Team to help explain how we buy supplies, services and works and how you can become a supplier.

The guide will be available to download directly from the website shortly. Should you wish to request a copy in the mean time, please contact the Corporate Procurement Unit, by using the details on the Contact page.